
2 settimane dopo il FUE

2 settimane dopo il FUE

Un trapianto di capelli FUE (estrazione di unità follicolari) viene eseguito rimuovendo i follicoli piliferi uno per uno dalla zona donatrice della testa e impiantandoli nelle aree in cui i capelli non…

3 mesi dopo il trapianto di capelli

3 mesi dopo il trapianto di capelli

Il trapianto di capelli è un tipo di intervento chirurgico attraverso cui i capelli esistenti vengono spostati per riempire…

6 domande da fare dopo un trapianto di capelli

6 domande da fare dopo un trapianto di capelli

Il trapianto di capelli è di solito diviso in tre processi fondamentali: prima dell'operazione, durante l'operazione e post operazione. Sebbene l'entità quantitativa dei fattori da considerare dopo l'operazione…

7 Mesi Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

7 Mesi Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

Il trapianto di capelli è molto popolare in questi anni, il motivo di ciò risiede nei suoi risultati ampiamente riusciti. La procedura ha aiutato molti a recuperare i capelli dopo l'operazione. Ma molte…

10 giorni dopo il trapianto di capelli

10 giorni dopo il trapianto di capelli

Dopo trapianto di capelli, continuerai ad avere accesso a un programma di assistenza post-operatorio e una consulenza professionale.…

20 Giorni Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

20 Giorni Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

Con i progressi nella tecnologia del trapianto di capelli, diventa sempre più facile tornare ai capelli sani dopo un trapianto. Si tratta di una procedura che richiede tempo, come molti sanno, ma con le…

African American Hair Transplant Before And After

African American Hair Transplant Before And After

Many African American people are unsure whether hair transplants will be successful for them. The good news is that modern follicular unit extraction (FUE) technology works just as well on ethnic hair…

Best Collagen For Hair Growth

Best Collagen For Hair Growth

If you want to implement collagens into your life, there are many ways to do it. From improving your collagen levels naturally to using supplements on your skin or hair, there are numerous ways to use…

Best Days to Cut Hair For Growth

Best Days to Cut Hair For Growth

Many who struggle with hair loss have heard tips for healthy hair many times. These generally include home remedies such as [mineral oil…

Best Shampoo to Use After Hair Transplant

Best Shampoo to Use After Hair Transplant

Following a hair transplant, the selection of the appropriate product, as well as its application, may have a major influence on the healing process. As a result, shampooing after a hair transplant

Le migliori vitamine dopo il trapianto di capelli

Le migliori vitamine dopo il trapianto di capelli

In che misura il quadro formato attorno all'elemento nutritivo che ha un effetto diretto sul processo di guarigione dopo l'intervento chirurgico di trapianto di capelli

Biotin Results After 1 Week

Biotin Results After 1 Week

Biotin is an unauthorized hair growth vitamin being used by individuals all over the world. Many women who prefer natural remedies and products for hair health utilize biotin tablets in the hopes of accelerating…

Bumps on Back of Head After Haircut

Bumps on Back of Head After Haircut

Many of us can experience bumps on the back of our heads after a haircut. You may think it is a condition and might not know how to deal with it. Let’s see what to do and what causes it.

What Causes…

Buzz Cut After A Hair Transplant

Buzz Cut After A Hair Transplant

When your healing process ends after the transplant, you can resume your old haircut routines. However, you need to not rush into it. It is common for people who have undergone a hair transplant to be…

Can Aloe Vera Cause Hair Loss?

Can Aloe Vera Cause Hair Loss?

Non-medical solutions for health problems are more common than you would think. Aloe vera is one of the products used to cure many different health issues. If you are reading this article, you are probably…

Can Anemia Cause Hair Loss

Can Anemia Cause Hair Loss

Iron is an essential mineral for human beings. The formation of red blood cells is the primary function of this substance in the human body. The protein hemoglobin found in red blood cells transports oxygen…

Can Finasteride Cause Hair Loss

Can Finasteride Cause Hair Loss

Finasteride is an antiandrogen that is occasionally used to prevent hair loss. It acts by preventing an enzyme that transforms testosterone to dihydrotestosterone from functioning (DHT). DHT is the most…

Can Hard Water Cause Hair Loss?

Can Hard Water Cause Hair Loss?

Have you ever considered that your hair loss may be being triggered by the water you use to wash it? It's a legitimate worry, particularly if you have hard water.

Minerals accumulate on your scalp when…

Posso bere alcolici dopo un trapianto di capelli?

Posso bere alcolici dopo un trapianto di capelli?

Il trapianto di capelli FUE è una tecnica che preleva singole unità follicolari da una zona donatrice e le trapianta nelle zone del cuoio capelluto in cui si è verificata la perdita di capelli. È importante…

Posso Toccare i Miei Capelli Dopo un Trapianto?

Posso Toccare i Miei Capelli Dopo un Trapianto?

Toccare il cuoio capelluto dopo un trapianto potrebbe non essere una buona idea. Potrebbe influire negativamente sulla sopravvivenza degli innesti e sul successo della procedura. Quindi, la loro salute…

Can I Use Hair Fibres After Hair Transplant

Can I Use Hair Fibres After Hair Transplant

Many people from different ages suffer from hair thinning or excessive hair loss around the globe. Sometimes, hair loss could lead to depression…

Puoi Indossare un Cappello Dopo un Trapianto di Capelli

Puoi Indossare un Cappello Dopo un Trapianto di Capelli

Se stai pensando a sottoporti ad un trapianto di capelli, dovresti fare una ricerca dettagliata e discuterne con il tuo medico per prendere una decisione. La FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) e la FUT (Follicular…

Cloves For Hair Growth

Cloves For Hair Growth

Clove has been used for centuries, whether it is in dishes or for skincare. This is because cloves include antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties and have many more advantages. If you want to use cloves…

Coconut Oil For Hair Growth

Coconut Oil For Hair Growth

Our mothers and grandmothers used to massage coconut oil into our hair when we were young. Because of its many advantageous qualities, coconut oil works like magic on your hair to promote healthy hair…

Derma Roller After Hair Transplant

Derma Roller After Hair Transplant

The derma roller is regarded as a breakthrough in skincare. Many skin disorders can now be cured thanks to the Derma roller. Due to its application in the shape of cylinder decals, derma rolls are among…

Does Amlodipine Cause Hair Loss

Does Amlodipine Cause Hair Loss

Many people with high blood pressure are prescribed amlodipine. Amlodipine usage is very helpful for high blood pressure patients, but there are some side effects of the medicine. Some of the prominent…

Does Anesthesia Cause Hair Loss

Does Anesthesia Cause Hair Loss

Even if you don't have male pattern baldness or any other type of hair loss, you may still lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day. Those who have…

Does Brushing Hair Stimulate Growth

Does Brushing Hair Stimulate Growth

Natural hair growth happens at a pace of 0.35 millimeters each day, or around 12 inches each month, for a total of 6 inches yearly. So even if the rate hasn't altered, your hair will grow faster the shorter…

Does Caffeine Cause Hair Loss

Does Caffeine Cause Hair Loss

A cup of coffee in the morning will help you shake off morning lethargy and give you the energy you need to go through the day. However, if you consume more coffee than is suggested and are experiencing…

Does Finasteride Regrow Hair?

Does Finasteride Regrow Hair?

Finasteride is a member of a group of drugs called 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, sometimes known as DHT blockers. Aside from working for the hair, the body's primary male sex hormone, testosterone, is…

Does Lack of Protein Cause Hair Loss

Does Lack of Protein Cause Hair Loss

Every component of our bodies is made of protein. Protein is the other substance present in the body most frequently after water. Protein, the most important macronutrient, has a variety of functions in…

Does Losartan Cause Hair Loss

Does Losartan Cause Hair Loss

Commonly used for the management of hypertension (high blood pressure), losartan is sold under the brand name Cozaar. Losartan, like many drugs, has significant benefits for many people but also causes…

Does Rogaine Work

Does Rogaine Work

Rogaine is the brand name for minoxidil. It is a medication that was initially created to treat high blood pressure. However, it was discovered during clinical testing that it appeared to enhance hair…

Does Rosemary Oil Help Hair Growth?

Does Rosemary Oil Help Hair Growth?

We all desire thick hair, so it's likely that finding substances and products that promote the general health of your hair is one of your hair care objectives. Both a culinary and medicinal herb, Rosemary.…

Does Shaving Make Hair Thicker?

Does Shaving Make Hair Thicker?

It's a common misunderstanding that shaving makes your hair thicker, but it isn’t simply true. Actually, shaving has no impact at all on your hair's thickness. After shaving, it could seem thicker since…

Does Testosterone Cause Hair Loss?

Does Testosterone Cause Hair Loss?

Testosterone is essential to the human body's general well-being and health. Aside from supporting the sperm quality and sex drive of men, it is present in muscle growth and bone mass.

As men age, their…

Does Transplanted Hair Grow?

Does Transplanted Hair Grow?

When you hear the term "hair transplants," you might imagine the patchy, noticeable hair plugs of yesteryear. However, hair transplants have come a long way in the last decade. Hair transplantation,…

Does Transplanted Hair Grow Before Shedding

Does Transplanted Hair Grow Before Shedding

Following a hair transplant treatment, patients frequently notice persistent hair loss. It is crucial to note that hair loss after a hair transplant is natural and is the body's method of coping with the…

Does Wearing a Hat Cause Hair Loss?

Does Wearing a Hat Cause Hair Loss?

The notion that wearing a hat promotes hair loss is unsupported by actual evidence, just like other hair loss misconceptions. But it's a widespread myth that has persisted for many years. So let's begin…

Does Wearing Helmet Cause Hair Loss?

Does Wearing Helmet Cause Hair Loss?

For many sports and recreational activities, helmets are an absolute need. For example, nowadays, very few bikers ride without a helmet, which safeguards our heads and brain in the event of an accident.…

Area donatrice dopo il trapianto di capelli

Area donatrice dopo il trapianto di capelli

L'area donatrice è in genere l'area sul retro e sui lati della testa dove un chirurgo del trapianto di capelli raccoglie i follicoli. Questa procedura potrebbe avvenire estraendo i follicoli piliferi

Exercising After Hair Transplant

Exercising After Hair Transplant

After hair transplant, your scalp may hurt and you may need to take medication. These include painkillers, antibiotics to reduce infections, and anti-inflammatory drugs to control swelling. In most…

Perdita di Capelli Dopo un Trapianto

Perdita di Capelli Dopo un Trapianto

Fattori biologici, genetici ed ambientali possono causare la perdita di capelli dopo un trapianto e questa situazione viene anche chiamata "shock loss". Il problema è trattabile, quindi non preoccuparti.…

Female Hair Transplant Recovery Timeline

Female Hair Transplant Recovery Timeline

Undergoing a hair transplant procedure is a significant step towards regaining confidence and restoring hair density for women experiencing hair loss. While the procedure itself marks an important milestone,…

Finasteride results after 6 months

Finasteride results after 6 months

A medication called finasteride is used to treat male benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and male pattern hair loss (gradual thinning of the scalp hair causes a receding hairline or top of the head balding…

Follicolite dopo il trapianto di capelli

Follicolite dopo il trapianto di capelli

La follicolite è un'infiammazione dei follicoli piliferi che si manifesta tipicamente come protuberanze rosse o scolorite che ricordano l'acne. Si manifesta spesso settimane o mesi dopo l'intervento…

FUE Dopo il Primo Mese

FUE Dopo il Primo Mese

Le chirurgie di trapianto di capelli sono procedure che spostano innesti di capelli da un'area donatrice ad una zona in cui i capelli sono…

FUE Donor Area After 1 Month

FUE Donor Area After 1 Month

Almost every patient is interested in the donor area's recovery period and when they will be able to resume their normal life. The healing of the donor location is dependent on the exact conditions that…

Trapianto di capelli FUE, prima e dopo

Trapianto di capelli FUE, prima e dopo

La perdita di capelli è spesso causata da fattori di invecchiamento o genetici. La calvizie negli uomini può causare problemi di ansia. La perdita di capelli è vista da alcuni come un’enorme battuta d’arresto…

Tempi di recupero del trapianto di capelli FUE

Tempi di recupero del trapianto di capelli FUE

Il trapianto di capelli con estrazione di unità follicolari o FUE viene eseguito prelevando i follicoli piliferi individualmente dall'area donatrice e impiantandoli sul cuoio capelluto, dove non cresce…

FUE Shock Loss

FUE Shock Loss

FUE shock loss, also known as shock loss, is totally normal to shed your transplanted hair following an FUE hair transplant

FUE Slow Growth

FUE Slow Growth

A hair transplant is a process, including what happens after the surgery. After a few days post-surgery, you might experience FUE shock loss. Your…

Grapeseed Oil for Hair

Grapeseed Oil for Hair

If you have doubts about grapeseed, it is time to change your perspective. We must investigate every option available to us in our ongoing search for ways to keep our hair healthy. The benefits of grapeseed…

Gym After Hair Transplant

Gym After Hair Transplant

If you exercise on a regular basis, you may be eager to resume your regular fitness program following your hair transplant operation.…

Tintura dei capelli dopo il trapianto di capelli

Tintura dei capelli dopo il trapianto di capelli

Per molti anni, molti dei nostri pazienti sottoposti a trapianto di capelli si sono tinti i capelli. Fortunatamente, non c'è alcun rischio nel tingere i capelli prima di sottoporsi a un trattamento…

Hair Growth Exercises

Hair Growth Exercises

When discussing a person's image, their hair is among the most appreciated features. Many common health problems are known to either include or cause hair loss. Hair loss is one of the biggest negative…

Cicatrici Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

Cicatrici Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

Le opzioni di intervento chirurgico per il trapianto di capelli hanno fatto notevoli progressi negli anni. Tuttavia, la formazione di cicatrici rimane un effetto collaterale inevitabile dell'intervento.…

Hair Thinning After Hair Transplant

Hair Thinning After Hair Transplant

Is It Normal For Me To Lose Hair, Even After A Hair Transplant?

Following a hair transplant treatment, patients frequently claim that their hair continues to fall out. It's crucial to remember that hair…

Trapianto di Capelli a 6 Mesi vs 1 Anno

Trapianto di Capelli a 6 Mesi vs 1 Anno

I pazienti desiderano recuperare non solo i loro capelli, ma anche la fiducia persa a causa della loro caduta. I trapianti di capelli sono la soluzione perfetta per entrambi i problemi! Tuttavia, dobbiamo…

Dopo 2 Mesi dal Trapianto di Capelli

Dopo 2 Mesi dal Trapianto di Capelli

L'Estrazione delle Unità Follicolari (FUE) è la tecnica di trapianto di capelli più effettuata in tutto il mondo grazie ai suoi successi e al fatto che non lascia cicatrici evidenti sul cuoio capelluto.…

Il trapianto di capelli dopo 4 mesi

Il trapianto di capelli dopo 4 mesi

Prurito e rossore della regione ricevente sono comuni dopo un trapianto di capelli. Il tuo cuoio capelluto diventerà meno pruriginoso 2 settimane dopo il trattamento FUE,…

Il trapianto di capelli dopo 10 anni

Il trapianto di capelli dopo 10 anni

Qual è la durata di un trapianto di capelli” è una delle domande più frequenti da parte di chi prende in considerazione questo…

Hair transplant after 10 years

Hair transplant after 10 years

You might picture the obvious, uneven hair plugs of the past when you hear the term "hair transplants." But hair transplants have advanced significantly, especially in the past ten years. An outpatient…

Hair Transplant Aftercare

Hair Transplant Aftercare

After the hair transplant surgery, there will be some instructions you need to follow for your desired outcomes to become real. These are advised by your doctors and are about what to eat after hair transplant

Hair Transplant Correction

Hair Transplant Correction

Correction can be needed in some cases when a transplant goes bad. If that’s the case, you do not have to worry because there are things to do. Firstly, why would a hair transplant go bad? Well, the thing…

Hair Transplant Donor Area Recovery

Hair Transplant Donor Area Recovery

Hair loss is a common problem among both men and women. Hair loss could be temporary and disappear after a while. But in some cases, it could be permanent. When hair loss is permanent, people who struggle…

Hair Transplant Falling Out After 1 Year

Hair Transplant Falling Out After 1 Year

Hairs have a growth cycle that is divided into three stages: growth, transition, and resting. The follicles lose their hair during the resting period. Following the shock of surgery, hairs might enter…

Hair Transplant First Week

Hair Transplant First Week

Hair transplants are not limited to surgeries. Post-surgery and recovery processes are very crucial elements of hair transplants. Therefore, it is normal to have questions and concerns, such as “[how is…

Fasi della Ricrescita dopo un Trapianto di Capelli

Fasi della Ricrescita dopo un Trapianto di Capelli

Se stai pensando di sottoporti ad un trapianto di capelli, probabilmente ti starai chiedendo come funzionino le tempistiche di ricrescita dei capelli dopo il trapianto.…

Hair Transplant Monthly Progress

Hair Transplant Monthly Progress

Hair transplant results do not appear overnight. You must be patient and extremely alert until the outcomes are fully visible. It takes many months to achieve the desired outcomes. A person may be concerned…

Correzione di un trapianto di capelli

Correzione di un trapianto di capelli

Il trapianto di capelli è una delle procedure cosmetiche più comuni eseguite in tutto il mondo. Tuttavia, negli ultimi anni c'è stata una tendenza sgradevole d'individui non qualificati che eseguono…

Hair Transplant Side Effects

Hair Transplant Side Effects

Anyone at any age can be affected by hair loss and baldness. When someone experiences hair loss, the first indication is hair growing shorter and finer until it stops growing. Hair transplants are incredible…

Hair Transplant Turkey Results

Hair Transplant Turkey Results

It is only normal for a person to be interested in seeing the results of a hair transplant before going on with the procedure themselves. This will, naturally, incline the person interested in having a…

Hair Transplant Week By Week

Hair Transplant Week By Week

When it comes to receiving a hair transplant, it is critical to understand that the results will alter and improve with time. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as having the process performed and then having…

Hair Washing After Hair Transplant

Hair Washing After Hair Transplant

Patients who have had hair transplants frequently have questions about the procedure. They also have a lot of questions about what happens after a hair transplant procedure. How to wash your hair

Taglio dei Capelli Post Trapianto

Taglio dei Capelli Post Trapianto

Probabilmente hai discusso di calvizie con il tuo parrucchiere. In aggiunta, man mano che la caduta dei capelli peggiora, il parrucchiere potrebbe suggerirti tagli diversi per ottenere il miglior aspetto…

Headache After Hair Transplant

Headache After Hair Transplant

Nowadays, hair transplant operations are considered to be one of the safest operations. However, since those are cosmetic operations, difficulties could be unavoidable from time to time. Hair follicles…

Healthy Hair Tips For Men

Healthy Hair Tips For Men

Appearance is one of the most important factors when it comes to what people think about us. Hair is one of the characteristics that influence people’s first impression of us greatly. Even though “hair…

Herbs for Hair Growth

Herbs for Hair Growth

The beauty of a person comes from the nature of their hair, and having healthy hair boosts their confidence. Our hair keeps us warm and protects us in harsh environments; this is why it is vital to keep…

How Is Hair Transplant Growth Timeline

How Is Hair Transplant Growth Timeline

The appearance of hair transplant "growth" and results are actually based on two different factors: "popping"…

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Take?

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Take?

A hair transplant is a procedure as well as a process. The duration of the process is longer than the surgery itself. It can take up to a year to 18 months for the new hair to grow, get thicker, and develop…

How Long Does A Hair Transplant Take to Heal

How Long Does A Hair Transplant Take to Heal

An FUE hair transplantation means shifting hairs from a region of the scalp to a balding section. This normally entails…

How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow Back?

How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow Back?

If you have ever suffered hair loss, you've certainly wondered how long your hair needs to regrow. Hair loss and hair growth are caused by complicated biological processes and are affected by a range of…

How Many PRP Sessions Do I Need for Hair Regrowth?

How Many PRP Sessions Do I Need for Hair Regrowth?

Determining the optimal number of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) sessions required for hair regrowth can vary depending on individual factors such as the severity of hair loss,…

How Much Hair Loss Is Normal?

How Much Hair Loss Is Normal?

Everyone loses some hair from time to time, and it’s no cause for alarm. But how much hair loss really is too much that you should care about. Both men and women suffer from hair loss, which is a frequent…

How Often Should You Trim Your Hair?

How Often Should You Trim Your Hair?

They say that trimming your hair frequently keeps it in good condition and helps it grow healthily. It is a good way of getting rid of split ends and allowing fresh strands of hair to grow long and strong.…

How Short Can I Cut My Hair After A Hair Transplant?

How Short Can I Cut My Hair After A Hair Transplant?

Many patients want to know when and how they can style their hair after having a hair transplant. One of the most common questions we get is, "How short can I cut my hair after a hair transplant?"…

Come Scegliere il Miglior Paese per il Trapianto di Capelli

Come Scegliere il Miglior Paese per il Trapianto di Capelli

Molte persone riferiscono che i loro capelli cadono ogni mattina e questa situazione può causare un leggero senso panico o di disperazione. Quando questa situazione si ripresenta, le persone possono essere…

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair?

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair?

When hair grows within instead of outward, it is called an ingrown hair. No one likes the redness, pain, and possible infection that ingrown hairs can bring if they are not treated properly.

Here, you…

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster?

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster?

Nothing beats the sight of a thick, healthy mane of hair. That's the stuff of every woman's (and some men's) dreams. Having hair and not wanting it is preferable to wanting hair and not having it. Please…

How to Mix Essential Oils for Hair Growth and Thickness

How to Mix Essential Oils for Hair Growth and Thickness

You probably know what is FUE hair transplant. But before committing to a hair transplant, you may be looking for alternative…

How to Regrow Hair Naturally?

How to Regrow Hair Naturally?

Many people who experience hair loss often embark on a quest to regrow their hair using natural methods. Amidst the vast selection of hair care products and treatment options available, one may wonder:…

Come dormire dopo il trapianto di capelli?

Come dormire dopo il trapianto di capelli?

Il trapianto di capelli è il metodo di trattamento più efficace utilizzato per eliminare la caduta dei capelli. Ci sono molti punti interrogativi nella mente delle persone che prendono in considerazione…

Come accelerare la crescita dei capelli

Come accelerare la crescita dei capelli

Ti starai chiedendo se c'è qualcosa che puoi fare per accelerare la crescita dei tuoi capelli. C'è qualcosa che può aiutare? I cambiamenti nella dieta possono accelerare la crescita? E per quanto riguarda…

How to Stimulate Hair Growth

How to Stimulate Hair Growth

Each hair shaft is formed of keratin, a protein with multiple layers of flat cells, which makes up the hair. Your dermis, which holds your hair to the scalp, contains hair follicles from which each hair…

Is Air Drying Your Hair Bad?

Is Air Drying Your Hair Bad?

Many hair care influencers and enthusiasts have opinions about air-drying hair, which we will address here. Taking a break from heat styling is needed, but what can serve as an alternative? Most people…

Il trapianto di capelli è permanente?

Il trapianto di capelli è permanente?

Quando sentiamo il termine "trapianti di capelli", potreste immaginare l'effetto bambola per capelli irregolari ed evidenti di una volta. Tuttavia, il trapianto di capelli si è evoluto, in particolare…

Itching After Hair Transplant

Itching After Hair Transplant

Undergoing a hair transplant procedure can be exciting since it will restore hair growth on your scalp. But as it is with any kind of surgery, there are some side effects of hair transplant operations.…

Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common issue that impacts people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, and can have a significant impact on their confidence and overall quality of life. In the vast array of hair restoration…

Microneedling for Hair Loss

Microneedling for Hair Loss

Losing hair is terrible, and many of us have gone through it at one point. The way one's hair appears is, and rightly so for anyone who places importance on their outward appearance. Is balding a curse…

Mineral Oil for Hair

Mineral Oil for Hair

Hair care is one of the trending topics on the internet and among people. Everyone has something to say about how to care for hair and which vitamin is best for hair.…

Minoxidil After Hair Transplant

Minoxidil After Hair Transplant

Patients who were taking Minoxidil to regrow hair can continue to take it even after a hair transplant operation, particularly if the reason for the hair loss is hereditary or pattern baldness. Once the…

Neem Oil For Hair

Neem Oil For Hair

Neem oil is known for its powerful antimicrobial and antifungal properties, and it can be a remedy for many parts of the body. From hair to skincare, neem oil is used with other oils. If you are looking…

Intorpidimento dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

Intorpidimento dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

I trapianti di capelli, proprio come qualsiasi altra chirurgia, possono avere effetti collaterali possibili. Alcuni di essi sono temporanei e comuni, come il diradamento dei capelli.…

Dolore nell'Area Donatrice Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

Dolore nell'Area Donatrice Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

È comune avvertire dolore o pulsazioni nella zona donatrice dopo un trapianto di capelli. Molte persone fissano appuntamenti dopo l'intervento proprio per questa ragione, ma il disagio si ridurrà del 50%…

Peptides For Hair Growth

Peptides For Hair Growth

Do you stress over your thinning hair and receding hairline? If that's the case, you have plenty of company. There are millions of people experiencing hair loss and looking for treatment options. Peptides…

Pumpkin Seed Oil for Hair Loss

Pumpkin Seed Oil for Hair Loss

If you're experiencing hair loss, you should consider using pumpkin seed oil. For many years, this oil gotten from pumpkin seed has been known for its many health benefits, including developing and growing…

Rossore Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

Rossore Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

Il rossore e il gonfiore dopo un trapianto di capelli sono comuni. Di solito scompaiono da soli, ma in determinate circostanze…

Rice Water for Hair Growth

Rice Water for Hair Growth

Have you ever heard of utilizing rice water to promote hair growth? Rice water was used for centuries for hair. It is now becoming more and more famous as a safe and efficient way to promote hair development.


Rose Water for Hair

Rose Water for Hair

You have probably heard of various hair nutrients and vitamins, but have you heard of rose water? Apart from rose water acting as a beauty essential, it is known as one of the best nutrients for hair.…

Croste dopo il trapianto di capelli

Croste dopo il trapianto di capelli

Ci sono molte persone ogni anno che si sottopongono a trapianti di capelli. Non esiste una risposta specifica alla domanda "Cosa può causare la caduta dei capelli", ma i fattori sono molteplici. La…

Attività Sessuale Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

Attività Sessuale Dopo il Trapianto di Capelli

Se stai valutando l'opzione di sottoporti ad un trapianto di capelli è meglio effettuare una ricerca approfondita riguardo ai tempi di recupero della tecnica FUE

Shampoo dopo il trapianto di capelli

Shampoo dopo il trapianto di capelli

La maggior parte delle persone che hanno subito un intervento chirurgico di trapianto di capelli sono preoccupate per come si…

Rasarsi i Capelli Dopo un Trapianto

Rasarsi i Capelli Dopo un Trapianto

I trapianti di capelli sono procedure meravigliose per ripristinare la crescita dei capelli per le persone che ne affrontano la perdita. Dopo aver subito un trapianto di capelli, molte persone cercano…

Perdita di shock (indigeni) dopo il trapianto di capelli

Perdita di shock (indigeni) dopo il trapianto di capelli

Ci sono numerose cause di caduta dei capelli, inclusi fattori emotivi, di salute e genetici. La caduta dei capelli shock si verifica quando i capelli non trapiantati cadono dopo un trapianto…

Side Effects of Applying Vicks on Hair

Side Effects of Applying Vicks on Hair

Vicks is a widely used brand in households. It is designed to help your breathing more effectively, but using it on your hair can make things more difficult. Vicks is an antimicrobial medication that you…

Fumare dopo il trapianto di capelli

Fumare dopo il trapianto di capelli

Il fumo e i suoi effetti sono noti per essere dannosi per l'organismo. È stato dimostrato che il fumo di tabacco è dannoso per la salute in quasi tutti gli aspetti, compresi i polmoni, la cervice, la vista,…

Tasso di successo del trapianto di capelli

Tasso di successo del trapianto di capelli

Ci sono molti fattori che influenzano il tasso di successo del trapianto di capelli FUE. La scelta di una clinica di qualità e di un medico esperto che lavori con personale sanitario professionale…

Supplements After Hair Transplant

Supplements After Hair Transplant

Hair growth and hair health originate from hair follicles under your skin. Without healthy hair follicles, it is not possible for you to have healthy hair. For healthy hair follicles, nutrition is very…

Gonfiore dopo il trapianto di capelli

Gonfiore dopo il trapianto di capelli

Il gonfiore o l'edema della fronte o delle palpebre è un effetto collaterale comune della chirurgia del trapianto di capelli, in particolare lo si manifesta…

Swimming After Hair Transplant

Swimming After Hair Transplant

Many people decide to have hair transplant surgery due to their hair loss. During hair transplantation, a small group of hair follicles, called grafts, are removed from the head at another donor site and…

Turkey Hair Transplant Results

Turkey Hair Transplant Results

Hair is one of the critical factors determining how others perceive us. It affects our confidence greatly. Having strong, thicker, and healthy hair has been the goal of many people. A hair transplant is…

Quali sono le procedure e i passaggi per il trapianto di capelli?

Quali sono le procedure e i passaggi per il trapianto di capelli?

Il trapianto di capelli è l'ultima tecnologia medica per trattare non solo i problemi di caduta generale dei capelli, ma anche per coloro che vogliono modificare la propria attaccatura. Molti studi…

What to Do for Pimples After Hair Transplant

What to Do for Pimples After Hair Transplant

The emergence of acne is one of the probable side effects of hair transplants, as well as itching after hair transplant and [redness…

What To Eat After Hair Transplant

What To Eat After Hair Transplant

Hair health is inextricably linked to nutrient levels in the body. When something goes wrong with your body, your hair is the first to suffer. As a result, hair loss can be the body's first reaction…

When Can I Sleep Normally After Hair Transplant?

When Can I Sleep Normally After Hair Transplant?

Following a hair transplant surgery, there is a healing phase that must be followed in order for the restoration to be effective. Hair transplant aftercare

When Can I Use Clippers After Hair Transplant?

When Can I Use Clippers After Hair Transplant?

Many patients want to know when and how they may style their hair after a hair transplant, and what the best haircut after a hair transplant

When Can I Wash My Hair Normally After Hair Transplant?

When Can I Wash My Hair Normally After Hair Transplant?

The first 7 days following a hair transplant are vital since they are the most important period of hair transplant post-surgery. Proper…

When Will Transplanted Hair Start to Grow

When Will Transplanted Hair Start to Grow

If you're having treatment for hair loss or thinning hair, you're bound to have a lot of questions and worries. You'll want to know if you'll be able to locate a long-term solution. You will almost certainly…

Quale vitamina è la migliore per i capelli?

Quale vitamina è la migliore per i capelli?

Molte persone considerano i capelli dall'aspetto sano un segno di salute o bellezza generale. I capelli, come qualsiasi altra parte del tuo corpo, richiedono una varietà di nutrienti per essere sani e…

Why Do Hair Transplants Fail?

Why Do Hair Transplants Fail?

Many people choose to undergo hair transplantation in the hopes of regaining confidence and a fuller head of hair. It's important to recognize that hair transplants, like any medical procedure, can face…

Why is My Hair Part Widening?

Why is My Hair Part Widening?

Many are trying to tackle this question daily: why is my hair part widening? Well, if you are thinking about this too, you are not alone. It is a prevalent phenomenon, especially in men to find out that…

Why is My Hair So Oily?

Why is My Hair So Oily?

Having oily hair can be quite frustrating and cause you unnecessary stress. Different people have different types of hair, but having oily hair means you’re going to have to do more to keep your hair healthy…

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