Hair Transplant Monthly Progress

Hair Transplant Monthly Progress

Updated at Jun 14, 2024
after hair transplantation

Hair transplant results do not appear overnight. You must be patient and extremely alert until the outcomes are fully visible. It takes many months to achieve the desired outcomes. A person may be concerned about the outcome during this procedure. However, you must remember that a hair transplant is a long procedure. The best results are seen typically 1 year after the surgery. The pace of growth varies from one individual to another. In general, in younger patients, the end outcome is faster. Elderly patients, on the other hand, take longer to show actual results. Here is the hair transplant recovery timeline summarized:

The First 2 Months After Hair Transplant

The patient may have a tingling sensation on his scalp during the first two days following the operation. Patients will not feel much pain, however, they might feel a little uncomfortable. The discomfort will typically go away 1 month after FUE. Because the procedure causes a quick shock to the hair follicles, they can fall out 2 months after hair transplant. The patient should not be concerned or panicked because it is completely natural, and the hair follicles will regrow on their own in time.

2-5 Months After Hair Transplant

If you have not detected any changes or responses from your hair follicles before, you will undoubtedly notice them in this stage. Although follicular responses vary from person to person, practically everyone observes a difference in FUE results after 2 months following the operation. The hair that grows 3 months after a hair transplant will resemble newborn hair and will be exceedingly silky. This is a normal part of the hair development process, and the hair will thicken over time.

6-7 Months After Hair Transplant

At this point, the patient will notice a consistency in his hair. The texture and thickness of the hair will improve.

8-9 Months After Hair Transplant

The patient's hair will improve in thickness and volume at this point. The patient will have a good concept of how they will appear with a complete head of new hair.

10-12 Months After Hair Transplant

At this point, the patient will receive the ultimate results of hair transplant. At this stage, the hair will be thick, distinct, and fully developed. There will be no more hair loss or hair fall for the patient to deal with.

How Can You Get The Best Results After A Hair Transplant?

Following a hair transplant, the patient should schedule regular check-ups with the doctor so that any problems that arise may be addressed promptly. On the other side, the surgeon who will do the procedure must be aware of the patient's expectations, health challenges, and any underlying problems. Here are some precautions to take for the best outcomes.

  • Protect the scalp from salt
  • Avoid swimming after hair transplant.
  • Do not consume alcohol
  • Avoid strenuous activities
  • Do not expose yourself to direct sun

At Asmed, our skilled and experienced doctors will let you know all about the steps of recovery after a hair transplant. Moreover, our medical team will be there to guide you through your whole journey. For any questions you might have about FUE hair transplant, contact us as soon as possible. To get a hair transplant, book a consultation now!

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