7 Days after hair transplant

7 Days after hair transplant

after hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that has solutions for baldness. Hair transplantation has been advanced by the recent technical developments.

Are You Considering A Hair Transplant?

When the hair may appear thinning and a person is experiencing the initial stages of baldness, it can be simply because of ageing and hormonal changes. In extreme cases, some diseases can leave hair follicles or the scalp so damaged that even hair transplantation is not possible. So, when someone is experiencing any early stage of hair loss it is necessary to seek medical treatment in order to fix the problem at its early stages.

How Does Hair Transplant Works?

Old Hair transplantation techniques consist of extracting a slice of skin with its own hair follicles from the occipital (back side of the head) areas of alopecia. This kind of technique is considered old and leaves scars after surgery. Thanks to new medical advancements and technologies, the latest techniques such as FUE allows the doctors to collect and separate the follicles from donor areas and the plant them one by one in the needed bald areas leaving visible scars or wounds with a fast recovery time after surgery.

How Long Does FUE Hair Transplant Surgery Take?

Generally, Hair transplant surgery with FUE requires several hours of teamwork at the medical facility (approximately 8 hours), it is a completely safe surgery and it can be done under local anesthesia.

How Many Days after hair transplant Are Grafts Secure?

Generally, it takes approximately 14 days for newly implanted grafts to become secure after hair transplant. Meanwhile, in the first 14 days after having hair transplant, following doctors’ instructions in order to protect the planted grafts must be obeyed to make sure every graft will stay at its place harmless and ready to grow again.

What Should Be Achieved After A Treatment for A Hair Transplant?

The patient stay at home or in a medical institution, relax and limit his movements as much as possible until the next day after completing the control and hair first washing session.

Is There Any Medicine after hair transplant Surgery?

Anti- inflammatory painkillers can be taken as it is prescribed by the doctor. The patient must not consume aspirin in the first week of surgery. However, any medicine must be taken according to the doctor’s instructions.

Is There Swelling Following Hair Transplant Operations?

After the hair transplant session, swelling may occur. Swollenness typically starts appearing on the second day and lasts until the 5 day after the hair transplantation. This is a temporary phase and there will not be any lasting side effects.

How to Avoid Swelling?

The way of sleep after hair transplantation can affect the overall procedure outcome, the patient should sleep with his head elevated in 45 degrees (with the neck pillow provided by medical staff) after hair transplantation for the first 10 nights.

What Can Be Done After the Hair Transplant Process in The Event of Feeling Or Experiencing Pain?

Many people require pain killer prescription for the nights after operation. These pain killers should be taken under supervision of the doctor.

What Should I Avoid after hair transplant?

After the hair transplant, the patient should stop physical activities, exercises, sexual contact and carrying heavy weights for one week to two weeks. For at least 21 days, high steam places and saunas bathes should be avoided. In general, on the second day after treatment, some people go back to practice light activities.

How Should the First Hair Wash after hair transplant Be?

After the first day post op the hair is washed by a professional staff in ASMED Clinic. The bandage is taken off and the hair is washed with cool water and shampoo. The process of washing is showed to the patient and it will be repeated for the first 10 days once a day.

Can I Have Alcoholic Beverages after hair transplant?

Alcoholic Beverages have a bad influence regarding the swelling and result after hair transplant and it should be avoided at least 5 days after hair transplant surgery.

When Do I Touch the Grafts of My Hair?

Beside washing that must be done you can gently contact grafts with your fingertips, beginning 2-3 days after hair transplant.

How Long Should Someone Wait Until Having A Haircut After A Hair Transplant Surgery?

The slight corrections in the Donor area with scissors can be done one month post op. In the recipient are it is necessary to wait to accomplish the 5th month post op to be able to proceed with shaving and cutting.

Does It Take A Long Time to Look Natural After A Hair Transplant?

After the hair transplant surgery, it will only need 10-11 days for wounds and the presence of the crust to disappear entirely. After a hair transplant procedure, the hair from implanted grafts is mostly shed within the first month.

This shedding is completely normal and there is nothing to worry about. On average, healthy new hair begins to grow and replace the shed hair after the third month. By the 6th month, the new hair growth starts of the implanted follicles. The hairless area gets smaller with time and the real final result of the hair transplant is seen after the 12th month. Although it takes more than 1year to get the final result, the way the hair looks is never distracting during this period.

At Asmed hair transplant Turkey, our aim is to provide the highest level of medical care to our patient. We care about patient’s needs & requirements. We inform our patients in a very detailed way of how to proceed and what to do after hair transplant surgery day by day.

If you want to have more information about the procedure, book a consultation for hair transplant surgery and get the best answers from our expert medical team.

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