Hair transplantation is a popular treatment carried out to maintain a pleasing aesthetic appearance and it is definitely a popular one. Since balding can cause psychological, sociological distress and arise aesthetic concerns among individuals, hair transplantation offers an effective solution to those who seek to overcome hair loss. Thanks to Norwood or Hamilton-Norwood scale, hair loss and balding problems can be identified and treated in advance. Norwood scale presents 7 scales regarding the type of baldness the person is having. This classification’s main aim is to standardise the baldness process and choosing the most effective treatment depending on the Norwood scale.
Scales define the phases of hair loss. The higher the scale is the more visible is the hair loss. It helps to define the proper hair recession stage the patient is experiencing in advance and results in carrying out the most effective treatments properly.
Norwood 4 scale shows clear signs of hair loss at the temples and the crown area, however, it can still be treated. At this stage, a great majority of mean try to find a solution to their severe hair recession.
There is nothing to worry about at scale 4 even though it shows clear signs of balding. Hair recession looks a lot more visible compared to the previous stages. Yet the faster you act, the better it would be both for you and your hair.
Hereditary hair losses can take up to 3 to 4 years to reach Norwood scale 4. There is nothing to worry since scale 4 is still treatable with minoxidil, finasteride or ancillary -laser- therapies and treatments.
Graft needs for Norwood 4 must be determined by doctor after the consultation. With FUE it takes only 14 days for newly planted hair to set after your hair transplant. Once transplanted with FUE, %90 of the grafts survive.
There are a lot of treatment options you can get on scale 4, and hair transplantation is among these options. Finasteride (propecia), minoxidil (rogaine), laser therapy are among the other treatment options you might consider. Norwood scale 4 is still manageable and highly likely to be treated with a hair transplant. Consult your doctor here at Asmed now to get more insight, and get the treatment that will provide the most effective solution for you and your hair type.
You can review our Norwood 4 hair transplantation results in detail at the top of the page. By examining the Norwood 4 hair transplantation results from before to after, you can see the hair transplantation details and graft amounts of our patients. Additionally, you can follow the progress after hair transplantation thanks to before and after photos. You can estimate the most suitable result for yourself by examining the number of grafts transplanted and hair density of patients who fall into the Norwood 4 scale.
Norwood 4 hair transplant procedure is ideal for patients who experience more significant regression and thinning in the hairline and forehead area. At this stage, more grafts may need to be transplanted and extra grafts may be needed to rebuild patients' hair density. We offer different price options per graft in our hair transplantation process; Various options are available at prices ranging from €1, €1.9 or €3 per graft. In the Norwood 4 stage, transplantation of between 2500 and 5000 grafts may be required. This varies depending on the patient's current hair condition, degree of hair loss, and desired outcome. Therefore, in our Norwood 4 hair transplant procedure, prices are determined according to the patient's personal needs and preferences. The cost of transplantation usually varies between €2500 and €15000, but these prices may vary depending on the patient's needs.