The most prominent source of hair loss observed after adolescence in both sexes is patterned hair loss. Genetics, or possessing a family history of baldness, is the main source of male pattern baldness. It also can be affected by other genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors too. Many studies have shown that baldness in male trends is correlated with male sex hormones called androgens. Androgens have multiple roles, including influencing the development of hair. Typically, there is a development period for each hair on the head. This growth period continues to weaken with male pattern baldness by time and aging, and the hair follicle shrinks, creating shorter and finer hair strands. The growing period for each hair inevitably stops and no new hair develops in its spot. Unfortunately, the initial symptoms of hair loss fail to be noticed by many men afflicted by male pattern baldness. As a consequence of this, many men lose much more hair than they require before receiving care.
For ranking purposes, several classification schemes have been proposed by many researchers around the world. These schemes range from simplistic hairline recession systems to more complex multifactorial systems focused on the morphological and dynamic parameters influencing both the scalp and the hair. To date, the Norwood classification scheme for males is most widely used by doctors and clinicians to identify patterns of hair loss (or alopecia). The Norwood scale has seven diagnostic categories (stages). Each category represents hair loss severity and its pattern.
Many researchers consider the 6th stage of Norwood scale as an advanced stage of going bald and male pattern hair loss. On this stage the remaining hair on the back and sides of the head makes a horseshoe pattern. The bridge of hair that once crossed the crown area is now gone with only sparse hair left. The frontal areas and the vertex area have been combined into one area and the lack of hair on the sides has grown further. The vertex and hairline are mostly joined at this point, with only fine sprigs of hair remaining in small patches on top of the head. Men can also benefit from hair transplant at this point. However, expectations ought to remain practical and realistic.
It will definitely mean you are on the way for a higher stage and going bald. At this stage of hair loss, the person is considered at a very advanced point of going bald. Nevertheless, with the advanced medical technologies and hair transplant advanced techniques, male balding can be reduced and treated. But it must be understood that seeking for a treatment at earlier stages is always better than later.
At this point it is hard to say if balding will stop at this stage or develop into a higher form of hair loss or even baldness. Men at this advanced point of hair loss must consult with doctors and ask for both medical and surgical treatments to recover as much as possible and stop the balding.
At this stage, the hair loss might stop for a while or not. It might last for a few months or a few years according to the nature of the hair type and the environmental, physical and physiological factors. But it will certainly continue to lose hair and go to a higher form of hair loss stage if no medical action was made to stop hair loss.
As Norwood 6 is considered a very advanced stage it certainly needs more grafts to be transplanted to cover the bald areas when it compares with the early stages. The numbers of the grafts depend on many factors such as thickness of the hair, size of the hair loss area, total Donor Capacity, the technique that is used during the extraction, opening incisions and placing the grafts. In general, the number can variate between 5000-5500 grafts for an acceptable coverage. It is important to understand that the exact number of grafts needed to transplant can be determined only by seeing and consulting with a specialist doctor.
Hair transplant surgeries can be performed on all types and stages of hair loss. Nevertheless, the earlier and faster you seek for treatment the better you have higher success chances. To date, science society considers hair transplant as the most effective method to treat balding and stop hair loss in all its forms. And there are many examples of successful hair transplant surgeries at this advanced point of hair loss. As it is also considered that FUE hair transplant technique is the most effective technique to treat hair loss and recover hair in bald areas. Its importance comes from many advantageous points such as follicular units are removed one by one with Manual FUE Technique. Also, it is minimally invasive and scars that remain when healed invisible to the eye and the healing period is not long.
We present our Norwood 6 hair transplantation results in detail at the top of our page. At this stage, we offer special solutions for patients whose hairline has seriously receded and there is significant thinning in the crown area. Our before and after photos, supported by visuals, clearly show the progress of our patients after hair transplantation. When you examine the hair transplantation details, graft amounts and hair density of patients who fall into the Norwood 6 scale, you can get a clearer idea about the results suitable for your personal situation. Dr. Koray Erdoğan focuses on achieving natural and aesthetic results with treatment methods specifically adapted to each patient.
Our Norwood 6 hair transplant procedure is ideal for patients with a significantly receding hairline and severe thinning of the crown area. At this stage, a larger amount of graft and more extensive hair restoration may often be required. Different price options are offered for our hair transplantation procedure, such as 1€, 1.9€ or 3€ per graft. In the Norwood 6 stage, transplantation of between 3000 and 7000 grafts may usually be required. This varies depending on the patient's current hair condition, degree of hair loss, and desired outcome. Therefore, in our Norwood 6 hair transplant procedure, prices are determined according to the patient's personal needs and preferences. The cost of transplantation usually varies between €3000 and €21000, but these prices may vary depending on the patient's needs and wishes.
At the ASMED, we provide the highest quality of medical services to our patients. We are aware that each patient has specific requirements and needs. Our focus is to offer transparency, advanced quality of medical services to our patients. We devote ourselves to make the whole process easy and comfortable as much as possible for our patients by offering them the most exclusive hair transplant services in Turkey.
Book a consultation to get more information about hair transplant procedure, meet our expert medical team and explore your options!