Hair Transplant Week By Week

Hair Transplant Week By Week

after hair transplantation

When it comes to receiving a hair transplant, it is critical to understand that the results will alter and improve with time. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as having the process performed and then having a full head of hair. You must allow your scalp to recover and new hair to sprout and grow. Let's look at the FUE hair transplant recovery timeline to have a better idea of what to expect following the hair transplant.

The First 14 Days After the Hair Transplant

The first two weeks are covered in depth in your post-op instructions. It is critical to avoid directly touching your hair for the first 14 days. Do not start scratching your head. The first week after hair transplant, you may wear a loose-fitting cap if necessary, but make sure not to damage your transplanted follicles.

Days 15 – 30 After the Hair Transplant

Your scalp will have regained its original appearance in two to three weeks, with the initial redness and scabbing having receded. This is why many of the patients are recommended not to return to work until at least 2 weeks after the FUE operation. Do not be concerned if you've seen any hair loss at this time; it's totally natural.

1 to 3 Months After Hair Transplant

Around this time, you may see more loss of the implanted hairs. It is a normal part of the procedure, but it can be frightening. This is why it is critical to educate yourself on “how is hair transplant growth timeline” so that you are completely prepared and know what to anticipate. Around the 3-month point, you may notice some new hair growth, which will continue.

3 to 6 Months After Hair Transplant

From the third or fourth month, the pace of re-growth begins to accelerate. Half of the results can be observed as early as the sixth month.

6 to 12 Months After Hair Transplant

After 12 months, you should schedule an evaluation of the implant location and the overall outcome of the treatment, however, final results can take up to 18 months to completely manifest.

12 – 18 Months After Hair Transplant

This is the final stage of hair development and the time when you may expect to see the final effects of the hair transplant procedure. Your hair will appear thicker, longer, and more intense. The full outcome will be seen in the front area 12 to 15 months following the treatment. Full repair of the crown can be expected after 18 to 20 months.

Hair transplants are complicated procedures. It is important to be educated about the steps during and after the operation to know what to expect and to provide yourself with the best hair care. Make an appointment with an Asmed doctor to learn more about the procedure. Do not hesitate to reach out, we are here to answer all your questions and make your concerns go away! Contact today!

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