Microneedling for Hair Loss

Microneedling for Hair Loss

Updated at Mar 13, 2023
after hair transplantation hair restoration before hair transplantation

Losing hair is terrible, and many of us have gone through it at one point. The way one's hair appears is, and rightly so for anyone who places importance on their outward appearance. Is balding a curse that befalls everyone or does it only strike the unlucky few? Genes are just one of several factors that can lead to hair thinning and loss. So do not blame yourself quickly if you are losing hair, because there are cures such as microneedling.

How Does Microneedling Work

It’s an easy process that works like a charm. During microneedling, tiny needles on special equipment are used to pierce the scalp. The increased production of collagen and elastin after such piercings can help your hair grow. Microneedling uses very little needles, so it's not too uncomfortable and you'll be back to normal in no time.

Since it boosts circulation to the scalp, the Microneedling process can be effective in treating hair loss. This is a crucial factor in the maturation of hair. The blood flow will get in better shape so you can grow hair faster than usual with microneedling.

How Many Microneedling Treatments is Required?

Microneedling isn't a quick fix for hair loss. It usually takes a few sessions before progress can be seen. Different patients will need a different number of treatments, but typically between three and six visits are necessary.

If you're considering microneedling to treat hair loss, it's crucial that you find a qualified medical professional to carry it out. A licensed medical professional with extensive experience in microneedling for hair loss should perform the treatment.

Does Microneedling work 100%?

When it comes to hair loss, microneedling is not a surefire fix. It is essential to have reasonable expectations, and to understand that individual results will vary. This suggests that while microneedling is a useful method for treating hair loss, its efficacy may vary from person to person.

All things considered, microneedling is a non-invasive process that employs very small needles to enter the scalp. This treatment can help stimulate collagen production and increase blood flow to the scalp, which in turn can help unclog hair follicles. We use microneedling with other procedures also involved so they are not the only thing we use during hair restoration.

Alternatives to Microneedling

An alternative to microneedling treatment for hair growth and development is fue hair transplant. With the help of specialized micro punches and local anesthesia, hair follicles are removed from the back of the head and implanted in the bald area using this sutureless method of hair restoration.

With fue treatment, you can expect your newly implanted hair to start shedding due to the hair transplant after 1 month.

It's important to mention that you may experience swelling after hair transplant. It's a minor effect of hair transplant that would naturally go away after a few days.

To get more information about these procedures so you can choose which is best for you, you should check more of our posts. There you are sure to find expert help and get professional opinions about which of the options is best for you.

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