Hair Transplant Process, Techniques and All Steps

Hair Transplant Process, Techniques and All Steps

after hair transplantation hair restoration before hair transplantation

Thinking about undergoing a hair transplant but feeling uncertain about the intricacies of the procedure? You've come to the right place! We will provide you with a detailed exploration of the hair transplant process, its mechanics, the diverse techniques utilized, and address common inquiries you might have. Whether you're contemplating this transformative procedure or simply seeking more information, we've got you covered.

Are you considering a hair transplant but unsure about the process or techniques involved? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about the hair transplant process, how it works, the various hair transplant techniques used, and frequently asked questions.

What Is Hair Transplant Process?

The hair transplant process represents a sophisticated surgical endeavor tailored to combat hair loss by redistributing robust hair follicles from regions of the scalp boasting abundant hair growth to those experiencing thinning or balding. Predominantly employed to tackle male pattern baldness, this procedure extends its efficacy to a spectrum of hair loss conditions.

Throughout the process, hair follicles undergo meticulous extraction from donor sites, typically situated on the posterior or lateral areas of the scalp. Subsequently, these extracted follicles find new homes in recipient sites, strategically positioned to yield outcomes characterized by natural-looking hair distribution. By orchestrating the relocation of healthy follicles to areas of concern, the hair transplant process endeavors to rejuvenate both hair density and aesthetic appeal.

Beyond its primary objective of addressing balding or thinning hair, hair transplantation bestows psychological dividends, fostering enhanced self-assurance and overall well-being. Bolstered by continual advancements in surgical techniques and technological innovations, hair transplantation emerges as a widely embraced and efficacious solution for combating hair loss. Consequently, it offers individuals afflicted by hair loss the prospect of reclaiming a luxuriant mane and rediscovering a profound sense of confidence.

How Does Hair Transplant Work?

A hair transplant works by redistributing healthy hair follicles from areas of the scalp with abundant hair growth to areas experiencing thinning or balding, resulting in a fuller and more youthful-looking head of hair.

Understanding how a hair transplant operates unveils a series of essential steps:

  1. Consultation Initiating the process of hair transplant steps, you'll engage in a consultation with a hair transplant surgeon. Here, you'll delve into your objectives, medical history, and suitability for the procedure.
  2. Preparation Prior to surgery, meticulous preparation ensues. Your scalp undergoes cleansing, followed by the application of local anesthesia to mitigate discomfort during the procedure.
  3. Donor Hair Extraction Utilizing either follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplantation (FUT) techniques, hair follicles are carefully harvested from the donor area.
  4. Recipient Site Preparation Precision is key as tiny incisions are made in the recipient area, priming it for the transplantation process.
  5. Graft Placement With utmost care, the extracted hair follicles find their new home as they are delicately implanted into the recipient sites, ensuring a seamless and natural appearance.
  6. Post-Procedure Care Following the transplant, attention shifts to post-procedural care. You'll receive comprehensive instructions on nurturing your scalp and newly transplanted hair to foster optimal healing and minimize potential complications.

What Are The Hair Transplant Techniques?

Exploring the techniques employed in hair transplantation reveals two primary methods:

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

This method involves the extraction of individual hair follicles directly from the donor area using a specialized tool. Subsequently, these follicles are meticulously transplanted into the recipient site. FUE is favored for its minimal scarring and expedited recovery period.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

In contrast, FUT entails the removal of a strip of skin from the donor area, typically located at the back of the scalp. This strip is then dissected into individual follicular units, which are subsequently transplanted. While FUT can offer a higher graft yield per session, it does result in a linear scar at the donor site.

FUE Hair Transplant Process and Steps

Exploring the steps of hair transplant involved in an FUE hair transplant unveils a meticulous process aimed at delivering natural-looking results with minimal invasiveness:

  1. Consultation and Planning Commencing with a personalized approach, your surgeon evaluates your hair loss pattern and objectives to craft a tailored treatment plan aligned with your goals.
  2. Donor Hair Extraction Employing a small, hollow instrument, individual follicular units are meticulously extracted from the donor area, preserving their integrity for transplantation.
  3. Recipient Site Creation Precision is paramount as tiny incisions are crafted in the recipient area, strategically preparing it to receive the extracted hair follicles.
  4. Graft Placement With finesse and attention to detail, the surgeon artfully places the extracted follicular units into the recipient sites, ensuring proper angulation and density to seamlessly blend with existing hair for a natural appearance.
  5. Post-Procedure Care Following the transplant, you're equipped with comprehensive instructions on scalp and hair care to facilitate optimal healing and foster the best possible results.

What Are The Steps Before Hair Transplant?

  1. General examination and tests There will be a general health check and blood test to make sure the Patient is suitable and able to undergo such an operation. The Norwood scale is used to detect the extent of male pattern baldness. The possible outcomes may include Norwood 2, Norwood 3, Norwood 4, Norwood 5 and Norwood 6.

  2. Meeting with the surgeon and determining the number of grafts. First, there will be a meeting and having your hair examined by the surgeon. At this step, one may think “how many hair grafts do i need”. The surgeon is going to determine the number of grafts needed to be planted in the bald areas. The surgeon is going to discuss and design the frontal hairline that fits the patient's face.

How to Prepare Before a Hair transplant?

Patient should do and avoid the following before hair transplant surgery:

  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol at least one week before the surgery.
  • Stop taking any of the blood transfusions (Aspirin) at least 3 days before the surgery.
  • Avoid any excessive work and stress.
  • The patient should avoid having any heavy meals the day before the surgery.
  • The doctor might give the patient other special advice as well upon his medical examination. And having a good night sleep the day before surgery is preferred as well.

What Are The Hair Transplant Steps?

  1. Preparing Donor area for Hair Transplant surgery

Before the hair transplant surgery is started, the donor area must be cleaned and prepared by washing and shaving down its hair. This process will be done by one of the medical teams of your surgery. Once this process finishes, the donor area is going to be given a local anaesthesia.

  1. Extracting follicles from the Donor area.

With the help of a micro punch tool, the follicles will be removed from the donor area, and it will be preserved in a special solution until transferring them into the recipient area.

  1. Preparing the Recipient area

The surgeon will make a number of tiny incisions in the Recipient area where the extracted follicles will be inserted later with the help of a special small and sharp hair transplant tool named K.E.E.P. (Koray Erdogan Embedding Placer). This process generally takes approximately 1 to 2 hours depending on the number of grafts.

  1. Planting the extracted follicles

The grafts will be inserted into the incisions by using a special tool one by one until all follicles are planted in the areas as it is planned before the surgery. After that the area will be cleaned and bandaged for recovery. During the previous steps there might be given breaks to make sure the patient is comfortable and relaxed.

  1. Getting rest

After the previous steps are done, the patient can leave and go home to rest until the next session following the operation. The patient should not do any hard-physical activities and should get rest. The necessary medication (painkillers etc.) will be given by the doctor to be taken. Instructions will be given to patients in order to understand how to treat his recently planted grafts and how to wash hair in a way that would not harm the planted grafts and to make sure the process is completely successful.

Rehabilitation time

Hair transplant by FUE technique is a non-invasive surgery and its rehabilitation time is very fast. The patients will wash their hair every day once a day with cold water and shampoo and lotion provided by Asmed Clinic. Nevertheless, the scalp needs to be protected from the sun. It is possible to go back to their normal life and activities after 10 days of the surgery. The final results should not take much longer than 9 months to 1 year to be seen. It is always preferred to keep the doctor aware of hair growth progress during this period.

FAQs About Hair Transplant Process

How Long Does It Take for A Hair Transplant Procedure?

The duration of a hair transplant procedure can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the extent of hair loss and the specific technique employed. On average, patients can expect the procedure to last anywhere from several hours to a full day. Factors such as the number of grafts being transplanted and the intricacy of the recipient site preparation contribute to the overall duration of the procedure.

How Long Is the Hair Transplant Process in Turkey?

Turkey has emerged as a prominent destination for individuals seeking high-quality and cost-effective hair transplant procedures. Despite its reputation for excellence in the field, the duration of the hair transplant process in Turkey aligns closely with international standards. Most hair transplant types of procedure conducted in Turkey typically span a full day, mirroring the timeline observed in other countries.

How Many Sessions Are Needed for Hair Transplant?

The number of sessions required for a successful hair transplant varies based on several factors, including the extent of hair loss, the desired density of the hairline, and the chosen transplantation technique. While some individuals may achieve satisfactory results with a single session, others may require multiple sessions spaced several months apart to achieve their desired outcome. Factors such as the availability of donor hair and the overall treatment plan devised by the surgeon play a crucial role in determining the number of sessions necessary for optimal results.

At ASMED hair transplant Turkey, the priority is our patient’s health. We aim to show the highest level of medical care for our patients in order to provide safety and comfort. We inform each patient about the process in a very detailed way for their special requirements and needs.

Book a hair transplant consultation to learn more about hair transplant procedures and steps, meet our expert medical team and start planning your journey.

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