How Painful Is A Hair Transplant?

How Painful Is A Hair Transplant?

hair restoration

Hair transplantation is one of the most preferred aesthetic applications of recent years. Women and men equally prefer hair transplantation. Hair is one of the important details in the appearance of the person. Although hair transplantation is preferred by both women and men, there are reservations about whether people feel pain in their head. However, since hair transplantation is an operation performed under local anesthesia, pain is not felt under any circumstances.

Is There Any Pain after hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is an application that takes 6-8 hours depending on the stage of baldness. The procedure is the transfer of healthy hair grafts taken from the area of healthy hair, which is the upper side of the nape, to the sparse area. Since anesthesia will be applied during the procedure, the patient will not feel any pain.

However, there may be headaches from the procedure, albeit rare. This is perfectly normal and expected. In the following days, the patient enters the healing process quickly.

FUE hair transplantation technique, which is a new generation hair transplantation technique, has been used in hair transplantation operations, especially in recent years. The FUE technique is extremely safe and is a more developed method than the first application, the fue method. One of the biggest advantages of the FUE method is that hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation operations are generally comfortable operations for the patient. The operation is completed in as comfortable conditions as possible without feeling pain and suffering. Local anesthesia is administered subcutaneously using a very fine needle. A very small pain may be felt while it is being done. However, it cannot be said that it is exactly painful.

Are There Any Alternatives Other Than Local Anesthesia in Hair Transplantation?

Despite the high demand for hair transplantation, the feeling that people may feel pain and pain makes them nervous. However, in hair transplantation, apart from local anesthesia, hair transplantation is performed using sedation anesthesia depending on the patient's request. In patients with sedation anesthesia, the patient is not in a state of complete sleep. However, he does not feel any action from the beginning to the end. In some cases, patients prefer general anesthesia. Sedation is one of the anesthesia methods that will not look like general anesthesia and can be used easily in hair transplant operations.

Our aim is to provide the highest medical care to our patients at Asmed. We strive to provide our patients with the highest level of medical care in order to ensure their safety and comfort. We provide detailed information about the process to each patient based on their specific requirements and needs.

Book hair transplant free consultation with our expert medical team to learn more about hair transplant procedures and hair transplantation cost.

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