Hair Implant Scar

Hair Implant Scar

after hair transplantation

Hair transplant surgery options have advanced significantly since the beginning However, scarring remains an unavoidable side effect of the surgery. This doesn't mean there is nothing to do about them.

Today, two types of surgical methods are commonly employed. Each one causes a distinct sort of scarring. How much scarring you have is mostly up to how skilled and experienced your surgeon is.

Whichever option you pick, keep in mind that wound-closure techniques, as well as the surgeries themselves, have improved. Follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation are the two most used surgical methods for hair transplantation (FUT).

Many people ask, how long does a hair transplant take to heal? The answer varies, but generally, within three to six months, both operations cause obvious hair growth.

Scar from FUE

If you are asking, first of all, what is a FUE hair transplant? Hair follicles removed from the back and sides of the scalp are used in this treatment (the donor areas). Using a micro-punch instrument, your surgeon will remove each hair follicle transplant one at a time. Each extraction creates a little spherical scar that can measure up to 1 millimeter in diameter.

Depending on the number of hair follicles taken, this might result in hundreds or even thousands of puncture mark scars. After healing, these scars may appear as little white spots. One to four hairs grow from each follicle. The hairs are subsequently grafted onto the scalp's recipient regions. Given the careful nature of this procedure, surgery may take several hours, if not days.

To attain the best possible results, the operation could be performed multiple times over the course of a few months. FUE is performed as an outpatient procedure using local anaesthetic. There is no need for sutures, and recovery time is usually brief. If you are experiencing mild swelling after hair transplant, that is common, too.

Scars from FUT

This method necessitates the surgical excision of a strip of scalp containing donor hair. This is usually found on the back of the head. The region is sutured together after the hair strip is removed.

This results in a linear scar of variable lengths depending on the size of the excised strip. This scar may reach from ear to ear in rare cases. Hair follicle grafts are extracted from the scalp strip and prepared for grafting onto the recipient sections of the scalp, which contain tiny incisions for each individual hair.

This technique, which is also performed as an outpatient, employs local anesthetic. The stitches are removed after around 10 days. FUT surgery may cause greater discomfort and edema than FUE surgery. The outcomes differ from person to person.

Scar Removal After Hair Transplant

Several treatments can be utilized to minimize or diminish the size of the scar left by the FUT operation. Their success is not always assured, and some scarring is virtually always present. Keep in mind that your scalp will gradually droop as you age. Moreover, many people ask, how short can I cut my hair after a hair transplant? You can cut your hair however you want, but you should know that cutting your hair short after surgery will make your scars more visible. This might enlarge or make the scalp reduction scar more noticeable.

Another alternative is to use the FUE procedure to implant hair follicles into the FUT scar. The thickness of the scar will influence the efficiency of this remedy. Medication can thin scar tissue, making this procedure more viable in some circumstances.

Scarred skin, on the other hand, does not always hold the grafts as well as healthy skin. Your doctor will be able to inform you whether or not this operation is appropriate for you.

If you want to learn more about the costs involved, visit the Asmed clinic hair transplant to learn about the cost or how many hair grafts you will need. If you would like to talk with one of our surgeons or learn about the FUE hair transplant before and after, please contact us; we're here to assist.

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