FUE After 1 Month

FUE After 1 Month

Updated at Oct 1, 2024
after hair transplantation

Hair transplant surgeries are procedures to simply move hair grafts from a donor area to an area where hair is thin or none. Having a hair transplant is a big decision, so, it is important to research beforehand to know what to expect. A hair transplant is not limited to a surgical operation. The recovery is a part of the hair transplant, and the aftermath may be more critical than the surgery itself.

During an FUE hair transplant, the back of the patient’s head is shaved, and individual hairs are removed from that area. The individual grafts were harvested from the donor area, then, are implanted into the recipient area one by one. An FUE hair transplant surgery typically takes one day If the area that is wanted to be treated is larger, then follow-up sessions might be required afterward.

Recovery After A Hair Transplant

Most people are able to go back to work within a few days after a hair transplant. However, you need to be very careful within the first weeks after a hair transplant. You should avoid heavy exercising after hair transplant. The grafts will not be secure within the first weeks after the hair transplant. Typically, 7 days after the hair transplant, most patients do not show any sign of surgery in the donor area. So, the scars and swelling will most likely disappear after a week or two post-surgery. 3 months after the hair transplant, you will be able to cut or shave your hair comfortably. After 6 months, new hairs will start growing and within a year, the best results will be seen.

What Is Shock Loss?

Within the first 2 or 3 weeks after the hair transplant surgery, the transplanted hairs will fall out and start shedding. What you need to know is that this is actually a good sign that you are recovering, and your hair transplant operation has been successful so far. This phase of the recovery process is called shock loss after a hair transplant. You might experience existing hair loss after a hair transplant, but there is no need to be alarmed since it is part of the recovery and your hair will grow back in no time. The reason you might experience hair loss from the areas that were not involved in the transplant operation is the surgical trauma that was created on your scalp. 3 months after the hair transplant surgery, these hairs that fell off typically grow back.

The healing process of FUE hair transplant operations does not take long and the results are very successful. However, if you have any symptoms of sensitivity, fatigue, or scabs that do not disappear within a few months, you might want to see a professional just in case.

Experienced medical staff in Asmed is here for you to have your desired hair transplant outcomes without experiencing any discomfort. At Asmed, the doctors will provide you with the necessary information and medication after your hair transplant surgery and might require follow-up examinations. If you have further questions about hair transplantation in Istanbul, you should easily reach out to the Asmed team for information.

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