Folliculitis After Hair Transplant

Folliculitis After Hair Transplant

Updated at Mar 25, 2022
after hair transplantation

Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles that typically manifests as red or discolored bumps that resemble acne. It frequently manifests itself weeks or months after surgery. When a bacteria is identified as the underlying cause, it is referred to as bacterial folliculitis. However, in the majority of cases, no specific bacteria is identified. In this case, the condition is known as sterile folliculitis.

A hair transplant is a hair restoration procedure in which a surgeon removes follicles from one area of your scalp and places them in balding areas. Hair transplants are most effective in treating genetic hair loss known as male or female pattern baldness. Hair transplants are generally regarded as relatively safe procedures, but every procedure carries some risk. Infections are one type of complication that could occur. However, they are relatively rare, affecting less than 1% of people who receive hair transplants, according to reliable sources.

Infections can occur when microbes enter open wounds near donor hair follicles or at the reception site. Your scalp has a dense network of blood vessels that allows your immune system to target pathogens quickly. A pus-filled abscess, oozing pus, redness or discoloration, swelling, pain, itchiness, burning, bleeding, and warmth are all symptoms of a hair transplant infection. It is normal to experience some bleeding and swelling. However, if your symptoms worsen rather than improve, or if they last longer than a week, you may have an infection. Systemic symptoms such as fever, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, nausea, and vomiting can also be caused by infections.

What Are The Possible Causes Of A Hair Transplant Infection?

Infections can occur when microbes or pathogens enter your body during surgery or while you are recovering. A medical condition that weakens your immune system can increase your chances of contracting an infection.

Infection Risks After A Hair Transplant

If you get an infection, you have a higher chance of developing scarring, which can affect your results and cause patchy regrowth around the scars. If left untreated, an infection can spread to deeper tissues. Septicemia is a bloodstream infection. It can result in a condition known as sepsis. Sepsis is a potentially fatal condition caused by your immune system releasing inflammatory molecules throughout your body, which can lead to organ failure.

Infection Risks Vary Depending On The Procedure

Infections can occur at the donor site, where hair follicles are extracted, or at the reception site, where the follicles are transplanted. Follicular unit extraction is the most commonly used hair transplantation technique (FUE). Individual hair follicles are removed for transplantation during FUE. Asmed also provides information on the FUE method.

Our aim is to provide the highest medical care to our patients at Asmed. We aim to provide our patients with the highest level of medical care in order to ensure their safety and comfort. We provide detailed information about the process to each patient based on their specific requirements and needs. Our priority is to fulfill our patient’s unique needs.

Book hair transplant free consultation with our expert medical team to learn more about hair transplant procedures.

Contact us now for more information! You can learn more about how to get a hair transplant in Turkey and more.

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