First Hair Transplant

First Hair Transplant

hair restoration

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure of removing healthy hair from the body and implanting it in the area where hair growth is very little or baldness occurs. The area where surgeons typically prefer the back of the scalp as the donor area, which is the area where healthy hair follicles are taken.

The majority of people who struggle with hair loss are the victims of pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is hereditary, so it is inevitable in some sort. Of course, there are other factors that cause types of hair loss, such as imbalanced diets, stress, anxiety, trauma, medications, and hormonal imbalances.

If you want to undergo a hair transplant operation for the first time, it is natural to have many questions. Here are some basics you need to know about hair transplants:

Who Is A Good Candidate for A Hair Transplant?

Generally, a good candidate for a hair transplant could be a man with male pattern baldness, someone who experienced hair loss due to an injury, or a woman with thinning and shedding hair.

A hair transplant surgery might take 4 to 8 hours, depending on the technique used for the procedure. The stitches are typically removed after the first week.

What Happens After A Hair Transplant?

After the hair transplant surgery, it is more than natural to have a sore scalp. There is also the risk of infection after the surgery. Your doctor will be aware of these and prescribe some medicine for you. Therefore, you must be careful and follow your doctor’s instructions for a quick recovery.

The transplanted hair will fall out in the first two or three weeks after the surgery. After falling out, your hair will start growing.

When Should I Get A Second Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant surgeries are quite permanent. Moreover, the success rate of hair transplant is very high. However, not everybody will get the results they expected with one operation. Some people need further treatment after their first hair transplant operation. Some people need second or third hair transplant surgeries. It is not unlikely to need another hair transplant. Of course, the quality of your first hair transplant also has an impact on the need for a second hair transplant . However, you should not be impatient while deciding whether you need further hair transplants or not. Doctors recommend waiting at least one year after the first hair transplant. It is very important to allow the first hair transplant to actually show its results. Remember that your scalp has been traumatized during the surgery and needs some time to heal and adapt to the new situation.

If you visit Asmed, we will try our best to make sure your first hair transplant will be as successful as it could be. Our doctors will also do their best if you need any follow-up hair transplant operations. Bad first hair transplants decrease your chance of getting a second one. Hair transplant repair procedures are very difficult, so make sure you choose a good clinic for your hair transplant.

In Asmed, you can be sure that our doctors are experienced and will make your first hair transplant surgery experience carefully done. If you have any questions or concerns regarding FUE hair transplant operations, feel free to contact us!

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