Hair Transplant Growth Stages

Hair Transplant Growth Stages

Updated at Dec 21, 2023
after hair transplantation

If you are thinking about getting a hair transplant, you are probably wondering how the hair transplant growth timeline works. Knowing the hair transplant schedule is critical for adopting the proper mindset toward regrowth and optimizing results. How to speed up hair growth after the transplant, and what is the average hair growth rate for transplanted hair? Here are what you briefly need to know about FUE slow growth and hair regrowth timeline:

Why Does Hair Take Time to Grow Back After the Hair Transplant?

The basic idea behind hair transplant surgery is simple: remove hair from the nape of the neck, where hair loss does not occur, and implant it in places where hair loss happens. Hair transplants allow you to permanently recover a dense and natural head of hair. Anyone who wishes to permanently combat pattern hair loss is an excellent candidate for a hair transplant. Hair transplants take time to show their effects because the implanted hair follicles need to adjust to their new home and start growing. Moreover, your scalp will be healing from the surgical trauma, so it might take longer for your new hair to grow than your natural hair.

Hair Transplant Recovery After 10 days: The Healing Stage

Scabs form on the head in the days following hair transplant surgery. They are the size of a pinhead and should not cause alarm. In reality, the scabs develop and vanish on their own after a few days. The patient may also suffer itching and slight discomfort in the donor and bald areas. These symptoms often diminish after 10 days of the healing process.

It is of the highest priority to diligently adhere to the post-transplant care directives bestowed upon you by the surgeon. This may encompass the utilization of particular shampoos, evading superfluous solar exposure, and abstaining from engaging in activities that may exert strain on the scalp.

Hair Transplant After 1 Month: The Shock Loss Phase

The patient may undergo shock loss one month after the hair transplant. Shock loss is hair loss that happens at the edges of the transplanted and/or donor areas. Hair loss following a hair transplant is only temporary. It is caused by tissue stress sustained during the healing phase following hair surgery. This reactive hair loss often happens three weeks following the hair transplant. Several treatments can be used to minimize hair loss in individuals who do have shock loss. Massage the donor region to improve blood flow and enhance hair transplant growth, for example, or medication therapy.

Hair Transplant After 3 - 4 Months: The Beginning of Regrowth

The freshly transplanted hair begins to grow back three to four months following the procedure. Fine hair appears first, then thickens and thickens with time. Every month, the hair grows one centimeter.

Hair Transplant After 6 Months: Density Gain Phase

The hair continues to grow and thicken between 6 months and a year following the transplant. The density of the new hair grows stronger, and hair coverage improves. The patient may generally begin styling his or her hair as desired and enjoy apparent, although not permanent, effects. After the passage of half a year since the undertaking of a hair transplantation procedure, individuals commonly observe noteworthy advancements in both the proliferation and aesthetic qualities of the grafted follicles.

By the conclusion of the sixth month, a discernible quantity of transplanted follicles ought to have proliferated, thereby augmenting the density and extent of coverage within the regions that have undergone treatment. The grafted follicles will persist in elongating, thereby furnishing a more accurate depiction of the ultimate aesthetic result. Whilst the extent may fluctuate between individuals, a lot of people feel better about their hair at this point.

The magnitude of the transplanted hair shafts has a propensity to ameliorate as time progresses. The tresses undergo a remarkable transformation, as they acquire a denser and sturdier composition, thereby augmenting the overall magnitude and plenitude.

Hair Transplant After 1 Year

The complete outcome of a hair transplant is seen after 12 months. All of the hair has grown and thickened. The end result is natural, and the transplanted hair behaves similarly to the natural hair. The patient is free to cut and style his or her own hair. A span of twelve months subsequent to a follicular relocation surgery denotes a momentous in the aftermath, wherein patients can anticipate the culmination of the intervention's consequences. After a year, the transplanted follicles ought to have attained their flourishing and maturation. This encompasses attaining the coveted dimensions and density, bestowing a comprehensive and authentic appearance.

The grafted follicles harmoniously assimilate with the preexisting hair, culminating in a symmetrical and visually gratifying look. Typically, any preliminary apprehensions regarding the compactness or extent of inclusion are generally assuaged at this point.

The cranial dermis has completely regenerated, and any erythema or cicatrization resulting from the grafting operation ought to have substantially abated. The benefactor and recipient regions ought to exhibit a greater semblance of uniformity and authenticity.

Patients frequently undergo a conclusive assessment with the transplant surgeon approximately at the juncture of one year. This scheduled meeting affords the surgeon the opportunity to evaluate the comprehensive outcomes, attend to any lingering apprehensions, and offer counsel regarding the maintenance of hair in the long run.

If you are considering a hair transplant operation but are not informed about the stages of the procedure or the aftermath, you could reach out to Asmed professionals any time! We will be happy to inform you about the FUE hair transplant you would like and make sure you have no questions left. Contact us today to leave your concerns behind!

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