Why Isn't My Hair Growing?

Why Isn't My Hair Growing?

Updated at Jan 18, 2023
hair restoration

Many people discover that, after a certain point, their hair stops growing. It can appear to be thinning in a specific location, stop growing after a particular length, or grow faster on one side than the other. In this post, we'll discuss the causes of hair loss and suggestions for lengthening it.

Reasons your hair isn’t growing


Your hair cycle gets shorter as you age, impacting your growth. For example, your hair becomes thinner and less likely to grow as your first six-year cycle gradually shrinks to a two-year cycle. Additionally, as you get older, your scalp generates less oil, making your hair dryer more prone to breakage and split ends.

Your hair may be in its resting phase.

We have no control over this element, which may be the most difficult to address. Our hair grows in four stages and is mostly determined by our genes. Anagen, Catagen, Telogen, and Exogen are the four stages. The growing phase, known as anagen, lasts for two to seven years. Once the hair has ceased growing, a process called catagen allows the hair to separate from the blood supply. This stage only lasts two to three weeks.

After catagen, the hair enters telogen, also referred to as the resting phase, when it rests while new hair starts to develop underneath it. Typically, this phase lasts three months. Finally, Exogen, also known as the shredding phase, comes last. You'll start to notice your hair falling out at this point, but rest assured that this is normal and that you typically lose 50 to 100 hairs daily.


Your food influences the health of your hair just as it does your physical health. For good hair, you need a diet high in iron, vitamin D, zinc, the B-complex, and collagen.


Another reason why your hair may not be growing is stress. Stress affects the development cycle, which has been related to hair loss in both emotional and physical contexts. Therefore, the condition of your hair and your mental well-being is enhanced by finding techniques to reduce stress. Several effective techniques to unwind and reduce stress include meditation, exercise, and applying a hair mask while binge-watching Netflix.

Hair breakage

Another frequent reason for your hair's failure to grow is breakage. Gaining length is impossible if your hair is falling out at the same rate as it is growing.

The best hair tips for hair growth

Use cool water when you wash your hair

Your hair becomes dehydrated from hot water and becomes brittle and damaged. To encourage hair growth, keep the temperature lukewarm and gently wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo like our Energizing Shampoo for thin hair. To close your hair cuticles and make it shiny and smooth, proceed with a conditioner and end with a burst of cold water.

Scalp care

When attempting to develop our hair, we frequently overlook one of the most crucial components, our scalps. To grow your hair, you must take better care of your scalp because that is where it all begins. Taking care of your scalp is just as crucial as taking care of your ends. Other important considerations include choosing the best shampoo for your hair type and avoiding sun damage to your scalp.

Hair transplant

Similar to other transplant surgeries, fue hair transplant involves taking hair grafts from one part of the scalp and transplanting them to balding areas. There are several methods for doing this, but they all essentially entail extracting small grafts from the sides and rear of the head. Hair transplant Turkey should be your first choice if you want a quality transplant at a reasonable price. 1 month after hair transplant, new hair begins to fill in the gaps.

Ensure you maintain a healthy diet

When it comes to growing your hair, maintaining a good, balanced diet is essential. In addition, you should ensure you are receiving enough iodine, zinc, B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron.

You should not give up on your dream if you're struggling with hair thinning, loss of hair, hair breakage, or a desire for longer hair. By visiting the Asmed page or website, you can find out in detail how to get the best treatment for your hair.

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