3 Months After Hair Transplant

3 Months After Hair Transplant

Updated at Aug 31, 2023
after hair transplantation

Hair transplant is a type of surgery in which existing hair is moved to fill a bald or thinning area. The procedure is usually performed in the doctor's office or hospital. First, the surgeon cleans your scalp and injects medicine into the back of your head to numb it. Your doctor will select one of two transplant methods: follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). The surgeon's team will shave the back of your scalp if you have the FUE procedure. The doctor will then remove hair follicles one by one. The wound heals with small dots that your natural hair will cover.

The first three months of hair transplant: This period involves shock recovery time, fall, and resting period. During the first month, nearly all of the transplanted hairs will fall out as a result of the trauma of their relocation ("shock loss").

1 to 7 days of hair transplant: The transplanted hair grows for a short time in this period.

1 to 4 weeks of hair transplant: The growth stops, and the hair shafts fall out along with the scabs.

Any hair shedding that occurs 4-5 days after surgery is simply hair shafts. Ingrowing vessels capture hair follicles beneath the scalp and keep them safe for 4-5 days after surgery. The deepest parts of the hair shafts resemble a dot by imitating the shape of their follicles. This is why it is misidentified as a follicle. When the shedding begins 4-5 days after the procedure, the hair bulb (follicle) remains safe. Following that, the follicles enter the telogen resting phase, which lasts 8-10 weeks. Because the hairs are individual structures, some of them lose contact with the follicles completely and fall out first, while others retain some thin connections and fall out later; therefore, if the transplant area appears patchy later, do not be alarmed. The hair in the remaining donor area starts growing immediately after hair transplant and covers the area in a week.

What Should You Expect After Hair Transplant?

Following your procedure with us, we will provide a comprehensive after-care program that includes all of the products that were provided. You will watch an after-care video and have the opportunity to ask your hair transplant surgeon any questions you may have. You may feel some pain, which can be relieved with the pain relief medication we have provided.

Heavy lifting, power showers, going to the gym, and touching your hair are all prohibited for at least 14 days following your hair transplant. In the seven days following the procedure, you must avoid scratching your head and drinking alcohol. You will also be advised to sleep with your head elevated, which may be more comfortable than lying flat right after the hair transplant.

Avoid activities that will cause you to sweat and refrain from using any hair products on your head for the next two weeks. Your surgeon will advise you on a hair washing routine, and we will provide shampoo for you to use starting on day five following your hair transplant. The redness or swelling will gradually fade over the next few days to a week. After the two weeks are up, you can resume your normal routine and wait for your new hair to grow.

How to Care for Hair After Hair Transplant

The success and growth of your new hair depend on your careful attention to your hair following a hair transplant. To aid in the healing process and preserve your newly transplanted hair, be sure to do the following.

After a few days have passed since the transplant, you can begin gently shampooing your hair. Your doctor may advise you to use a sulfate-free, gentle shampoo. Do not scrub your hair; simply lather the shampoo and run water through it gently. Don't wipe your hair forcefully with the towel after you've just washed it. Instead of wringing out your hair, softly pat it. Take great care not to rip out any grafts. Protect Your Scalp From The Sun. Especially in the First Weeks, it is important to keep your scalp out of direct sunlight. Wear a hat with a wide brim or carry an umbrella to protect your head from the sun if you have to be outside.

After surgery, you will receive detailed instructions from your doctor. Among these are not engaging in intense activity, not wearing tight-fitting headgear, and abstaining from scratching or picking at the grafts.

For the initial few nights, try sleeping with a few pillows under your neck and head. You can protect your transplanted hair by sleeping with as little touch as possible between your head and the pillow. Stay away from cigarettes and alcohol if you want healthy hair. Both of these things have been linked to poor blood circulation, which stunts hair growth. During the healing process, it's advisable to stay away from these chemicals.

Hair growth and general health can be improved by eating a healthy, balanced diet that's full of essential nutrients. For advice on what to eat to speed up your recovery, go to your doctor.

Hydration aids in both hair development and wound healing, so be sure to drink enough of water throughout the day. Reducing stress is important because it might slow down the healing process. Reduce stress by using relaxation methods like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.

Attend all of your post-op appointments with your surgeon as directed. They will keep an eye on how you are doing and provide suggestions based on how you are recovering. Keep in mind that everyone's healing process is different, so it's crucial to adhere to your surgeon's orders for the greatest results.

When Will Hair Grow From a Transplant?

It's only human to be curious about the final product after undergoing a hair transplant. It's crucial to remember, though, that hair grows slowly following a transplant. What to anticipate:

It is possible for the transplanted hair follicles to fall out within the first three weeks after surgery. As the hair follicles enter the growth phase, this is a natural occurrence. The transplanted hair follicles go into a temporary latent period after the shedding phase. While there may be no outward signs of progress, the hair follicles are hard at work getting ready for the next phase of growth.

After three to four months, the transplanted follicles will begin to produce new hair follicles. This development may start out quite subtle and delicate before becoming more obvious later on. Hair grows slowly over time, with noticeable results appearing between months four and six. As hair follicles develop and mature, hair quality and density improve. In most cases, the density and coverage of transplanted hair will peak between the eighth and twelfth month after surgery. However, depending on the individual, it could take a year or more to reach full density.

Individual differences in hair development are common. Some people may observe improvements more quickly, while for others it may take longer. Following post-transplant care recommendations with patience and consistency is crucial. It is essential to continue good hair care practises once the transplanted hair has fully grown in. Maintaining the results and the longevity of your freshly transplanted hair requires a commitment to a regimen of regular haircuts, thorough washing, and a balanced diet.

After a hair transplant, the schedule for development includes a period of shedding, a period of dormancy, and then a period of slow, new growth. The process can take several months, but the results are worth the wait if they are natural appearing and pleasant.

Our aim is to provide the highest medical care to our patients at Asmed. We aim to provide our patients with the highest level of medical care in order to ensure their safety and comfort. We provide detailed information about the process to each patient based on their specific requirements and needs. Our priority is to fulfill our patient’s unique needs.

Book hair transplant free consultation with our expert medical team to learn more about hair transplant procedures and hair transplantation costs.

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