Crown Hair Transplant

Crown Hair Transplant

before hair transplantation

You are not alone if your hair is thinning or balding on the top of your head. Balding at the 'hair crown' or top of your head is a common experience that many people go through at some point in their lives, especially those who have a family history of hair loss.

There are numerous treatments available, ranging from non-surgical hair loss treatments to crown hair transplant procedures such as a FUE hair transplant, which can help with hair regrowth in the crown.

What Is The Hair Crown?

Your hair's crown, or vertex, is located on the highest point on top of your head. A "hair whorl" is the hair that grows from this point and congregates around your scalp in a circular pattern or formation. You may even have two hair whorls in your crown, which is referred to as a 'double crown.'

Crown hair restoration are FUE hair transplant procedures that involve the surgical removal of individual hair follicles from donor areas on the back and sides of the head, which are then extracted and transferred to the affected crown area. Crown hair restoration is just like hairline lowering surgery or forehead reduction surgery.

Crown Hair Transplant Timeline

At Asmed, we use the FUE technique for crown hair transplants because it is the most modern method and allows for a full recovery in a short period of time. The entire operation takes between 4 and 6 hours, depending on the case and patient, after which you can return to your home or hotel and rest.

During the first two weeks after surgery, you may notice some redness in the donor and operated areas, as well as some hair loss, but this is completely normal and you should not be concerned.

New hair from the transplanted follicles should begin to emerge between 2-4 months after the transplant, and after 5-9 months “depending on the patient” a significant amount of hair should emerge from the crown. Finally, most of the hairs implanted in your crown will have emerged from the scalp after about 12 months or 18 months and the hair transplantation recovery will be completed.

Crown Hair Transplant Results

To achieve the desired density, a second hair transplant session with a year interval may be required. Furthermore, medical treatments can significantly aid in hair recovery. Grafts in a standard FUE hair transplant begin to grow in 4 to 6 months. With crown hair transplant results, you must be more patient.

Is Crown Hair Loss Different?

Crown hair loss, often referred to as vertex hair loss, is balding or thinning that only affects the top and rear of the head. Given that the crown often has a distinct hair development pattern and features from other places, this sort of hair loss might cause particular difficulties. A round or oval-shaped bald patch that progressively widens over time is a common symptom of crown hair loss. In order to do a hair transplant in this location and produce the best outcomes, specialised procedures and considerations may be necessary due to the unique nature of crown hair loss.

Who's a Suitable Candidate for Crown Hair Transplants?

Candidates for crown hair transplants may include those who are losing their crown hair. Candidates for crown hair transplants often have an ample supply of transplantable donor hair on the sides or back of the head. Candidates should recognise that a crown hair transplant may not restore the same density as the original hair and that reasonable expectations about the possible results are crucial. Assessing candidature and choosing the best course of action to treat crown hair loss requires consulting with a skilled hair transplant surgeon.

Does a Crown Hair Transplant Take Longer to Grow?

The growth cycle of a crown hair transplant frequently exhibits comparability to that of other hair transplant procedures. The hair follicles that have been transplanted experience a phase of shedding subsequent to the surgical intervention, typically occurring within the initial weeks. The process of shedding that you are currently experiencing is a customary phase within the intricate cycle of hair development. Rest assured, in a matter of several months, a rejuvenating emergence of new hair growth is expected to commence. The cranial region may necessitate a lengthier duration for the engrafted follicles to fully mature in comparison to other regions of the cranium owing to the inherent variability in the pace of pilose development. In order to maximise the progression and attain the utmost outcome, it is imperative to exhibit patience and strictly adhere to the post-operative care guidelines proffered by the surgeon.

Do hair transplants work on the crown?

Absolutely, hair transplants may help with crown hair loss. The quality and accessibility of donor hair, the surgeon's skill, the patient's particular traits and expectations, and other variables all play a role in how well a crown hair transplant goes. A thorough evaluation of the viability and possible consequences of a crown hair transplant may be obtained by consulting with an experienced hair transplant specialist.

How many grafts are needed for a crown?

Depending on the degree of hair loss and the desired density, a crown hair transplant may need anywhere from 100 to 300 grafts. For a crown hair transplant, anything from 1,000 to 3,000 grafts or more may be required.

At Asmed, our patients' health is at the top of our priorities. We aim to provide the highest level of medical care to our patients in order to ensure their safety, health and comfort. We give each patient detailed information about the process based on their specific requirements and needs and regarding what they will be experiencing exactly.

To learn more about hair transplant procedures and steps, book a hair transplant consultation with our expert medical team and learn about hair transplantation costs.

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