Infections that Cause Hair Loss

Infections that Cause Hair Loss

Updated at Nov 22, 2022
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Any infection of the top of the skull is referred to as a scalp infection. There are several scalp infections that are known to result in hair loss. Folliculitis, ringworm, seborrheic dermatitis, and scalp psoriasis are known to be the most prevalent causes of hair loss due to scalp infections. There are various types of hair loss. For instance, malnutrition could cause hair loss. Stress and hair loss are considered related as well. Thankfully, hair loss caused by stress, malnutrition or that scalp infections could typically be restored. Here are the most commonly experienced scalp infections that result in hair loss:


Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles caused by staph bacteria or fungus.It has a well-known reputation for inducing hair loss. Folliculitis appears as acne around the hair follicles. General treatment for folliculitis is antibiotics prescriptions. Folliculitis could also cause hair thinning for some people. The best way to detect the hair loss caused by folliculitis is to immediately see a dermatologist when you experience acne on your scalp. You could also learn which vitamins are best for hair and consume foods rich in them more to keep your scalp healthy and away from folliculitis.


Ringworm is a fungal infection that could appear anyplace on the body. It is especially prevalent among youngsters, where the fungus may rapidly transmit from child to child. The fungus attacks the hair fibers, causing them to become easily broken, resulting in a bald area of skin. Ringworm is easily detected because it forms in an unique ring-like area. Ringworm-affected skin is frequently red, itching, and irritated.

Ringworm is very infectious and may be spread in a variety of ways. The fungus that causes ringworm could be found in the soil or on animals that carry the disease. The fungus may also exist on hairbrushes and pools. Therefore, it should be immediately treated professionally. The person who has the ringworm infection should not get into skin to skin interaction with anyone until the infection is treated.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin infection that can affect the scalp as well as other parts of the body. If the disease develops on the scalp, it could lead to an oily and irritated scalp that will eventually result in hair loss. Seborrheic dermatitis is poorly understood, therefore the circumstances that induce this skin disorder remain unknown.

Moreover, there is no direct treatment for seborrheic dermatitis, however there are medications that can help reduce the symptoms. To reduce scaling, the simplest technique is to use anti-dandruff shampoos. It is recommended to speak with your doctor before selecting a shampoo.

Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis may cause the skin to become exceedingly dry and irritating, and if the skin peels off, the hair may fall out as well. One of the most serious issues concerning scalp psoriasis would be that scratching may result in bleeding, scabbing, and finally scarring of the skin. When this occurs, the hair fails to grow through the damaged tissue, leading to permanent hair loss.

You should see a doctor if you have psoriasis. To help manage it, some specific shampoos containing coal tar or salicylic acid might be utilized. Other medications or light therapy may be required in some cases.

There are numerous reasons for hair loss. Some are temporary and some are permanent. If you wish to learn more about hair loss and treatment methods regarding hair loss, the Asmed team is here to help. Moreover, for your hair loss issues, the Asmed doctors will be glad to examine you and offer reliable treatment methods, such as medications or hair transplant operations. Reach out now to learn more!

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