When To Get a Hair Transplant

When To Get a Hair Transplant

Updated at Jan 20, 2022
hair restoration

A hair transplant should be considered only if the patient's hair loss has stabilized. Hair loss slows as you get older or if you use medications like Finasteride or Minoxidil. Patients should consider hair transplant surgery if they are 30 years old or older. Those under the age of 30 should first consider hair loss medications to stabilize their hair loss before considering surgery such as a FUE hair transplant. But when to get a hair transplant?

You can contact a professional hair transplant clinic, like the Asmed, to gain some useful insight into hair loss at any age; our surgeons should be able to advise you on the best course of action for your situation.

There is no single cause of hair loss in young people. In fact, it can boil down to a variety of factors. Hair loss in men is frequently caused by dihydrotestosterone, resulting in a condition known as androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness), with factors such as stress exacerbating the condition. You might be surprised to learn that male pattern baldness affects roughly half of all men, so you shouldn't be discouraged because it is fairly common. It can begin as early as your late teens and last until your early adulthood. It is natural for our hair to thin and fall out as we age. It can affect some people more than others, and it is critical that if you are experiencing hair loss, you consult with your doctor to help manage it with medications.

At What Age Can You Get A Hair Transplant?

You may be asking, when should I get a hair transplant? It is recommended that you wait until the age of 30 if possible, but exceptions can be made for individual patients and their needs. Actually, when is the best time to get a hair transplant is one of the most common questions. The important thing to remember is that patients who consider surgery should have stabilized their hair loss at the time. Hair transplant procedures provide patients with hair where they have balded or thinned out, and this can be permanent. If patients continue to lose hair, they will be left with hair transplant surgery areas and, as a result, no hair in other areas.

Hair transplant at a young age may bring more beneficial results. As patients approach the age of 30, their hair loss tends to slow and become more predictable, and this is the age at which we recommend considering hair transplant surgery. It is important to note how life-changing a hair transplant procedure can be, so you should always exhaust all other options before deciding on surgery. No matter how large or small the surgery, it is a serious commitment that should be carefully considered before proceeding.

What Happens During A FUE Hair Transplant?

Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) is a popular method of hair transplantation. It is typically a minimally invasive procedure with less visible hair transplant scarring, and the recovery process is manageable if proper precautions are taken. Your surgeon will extract hair follicles from donor areas on the back or sides of your head and then transfer them to areas where you are thinning to match natural hair direction and angulation.

Although you may be eager to get a hair transplant, you should be aware that if you have your procedure done at a young age, there are some risks. Because it can be difficult for your surgeon to distinguish a balding pattern and predict how your hair will recede as you get older, you may end up with patchy results. Hair loss in other areas may occur as you age, necessitating a second hair transplant at a later date.

It can be difficult to accept if your confidence has suffered as a result of your hair loss at a young age. However, it is always advised that you explore all non-surgical options available and consult a hair loss specialist to help advise as to the best course of action moving forward.

At Asmed, our priority is to provide the highest medical service to our patients in order to ensure their safety, health and comfort. We give each patient detailed information about the process based on their specific requirements and needs and what to take care of for hair transplant recovery.

To learn more about hair transplant procedures and steps,book hair transplant consultation with our expert medical team.

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