Dr. Koray Erdogan Biography

Dr. Koray Erdogan, Istanbul - Biografie

Dr. Koray Erdogan, (MD) doctor in medicina a absolvit Facultatea de Medicina Hacettepe din Ankara 1994. El si-a completat serviciul medical obligatoriu in Kastamonu inainte de a incepe Facultatea de Chirurgie Toracica in cadrul Unversitatii Marmara, din Istanbul. De asemenea, a castigat experienta de lucru in Unitatea de Terapie Intensiva Coronariana. Dr. Koray Erdogan incepe in domeniu restaurarii parului in anul 2000, asistand un numar mare de chirurigi in clinicile lor private.

In 2001, el deschide ASMED, propria sa clinica, impreuna cu prima sa asistenta, Dilek Cakir.

Dupa intalnirea doctorului Alex Ginzburg la workshopul din 2004 si vizionarea live a unei proceduri FUE, a inceput sa combine procedurile sale FUT cu tehnica FUE. Pana in 2005, a realizat ca pacientii operati cu ajutorul tehnicii FUE erau mult mai multumiti de rezultat decat pacientii operati cu ajutorul tehnicii FUT, chiar daca era folosit un numar mai mic de grafturi. El a atribuit aceasta satisfactie traumei minore suferita de catre zona donatoare. Din acel momen, dr. Erdogan si-a imbunatatit si si-a extins tehnica, randamentul si rezultatele prin dezvoltarea propriilor ustensile si metode de extractie. Utilitatea acestor instrumente si metode au fost demostrate la conferintele si workshop-urile din intreaga lume si vor mai fi demonstrate inca o data in timpul Workshop-ului Mediteranean FUE din Istanbul, Turcia in iunie 2015. Momentan, Dr. Erdogan si prima sa asistenta, Dilek (18 ani de eperienta in transplantul parului ) efectueaza exclusiv tehnica FUE in timpul ilor si continua sa primeasca pacienti din intreaga lume, incluzand Europa, America de Nord, Asia, Australia si Africa.



ESHRS Societatea Europeana a Chirurgiei de Refacere a Parului (membru din 2005), ISHRS International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (2007-2015 - A parasit Institutul din proprie initiativa), ISHR Societatea Italiana a Participantilor Refacerii Parului (Italian Society of Hair Restoration) (membru din 2010), IAHRS Alianta Internationala Chirurgilor de Refacere a Parului (International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons) (membru din 2013), World FUE Institute (Președinte din 2018 Februarie).

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Dupa introducerea tehnicii FUE (fir cu fir), definitia transplantului de par s-a schimbat. Omogenizarea a devenit noul standard pentru aspectul parului ca si rezultat.

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Dr. Koray Erdogan


Congresses and Workshops


6th Annual Latin American Fue Workshop. Cancun, Mexico

2019 - June
4th World FUE Institute Workshop. Avignon, France. (President of WFI)

2019 - March
5th Annual Latin American Fue Workshop. Buenos Aires, Argentina

3rd World FUE Institute Workshop. Lisbon, Portugal. (President of WFI)

2nd World FUE Institute Workshop. Athens, Greece. (Vice-President of WFI)

1st World FUE Institute Workshop. Tenerife, Spain.

Al treilea Workshop Mediteranean FUE, Istanbul, Turcia. (Va fi gazda acestuia) Website: Al treilea workshop Mediteranean FUE

Workshop European ISHRS de Transplant de Păr. Bruxelles, Belgia. (Participarea în calitate de doctor în transplantul de păr).

Al doilea Workshop Meditaranean FUE, Madrid, Spania. (Participarea în calitate de doctor în transplantul de păr)

A doua Conferință Internațională FUE Europa.

Congresul ISDS de Chirurgie Dermatologică. Veneția, Italia.

Al 13-lea Congres International ISHRS. Capri, Italia.

A17-a Conferință Științifică Anuală ISHRS Amsterdam, Olanda

Webminar Avansat ISHRS - Complicațiile (Via Internet, Sala de conferințe).

Metode FUT și FUE, Workshop despre Transplantul de Păr Avansat Istanbul, Turcia.

5th Annual Latin American Fue Workshop. Buenos Aires, Argentina 2019 5th Annual Latin American Fue Workshop. Buenos Aires, Argentina 2019

5th Annual Latin American Fue Workshop. Buenos Aires, Argentina 2019

3rd Mediterranean Fue Workshop June 25-27, 2015 ISTANBUL 3rd Mediterranean Fue Workshop June 25-27, 2015 ISTANBUL 3rd Mediterranean Fue Workshop June 25-27, 2015 ISTANBUL

3rd Mediterranean Fue Workshop June 25-27, 2015 ISTANBUL

3rd International World FUE Institute Workshop June 21-23 2018 3rd International World FUE Institute Workshop June 21-23 2018

3rd International World FUE Institute Workshop June 21-23 2018

2nd International WORLD FUE INSTITUTE WORKSHOP Athens, Greece June 22-24, 2017 2nd International WORLD FUE INSTITUTE WORKSHOP Athens, Greece June 22-24, 2017

2nd International WORLD FUE INSTITUTE WORKSHOP Athens, Greece June 22-24, 2017

1st International WORLD FUE INSTITUTE WORKSHOP Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain November 11-13, 2016 1st International WORLD FUE INSTITUTE WORKSHOP Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain November 11-13, 2016 1st International WORLD FUE INSTITUTE WORKSHOP Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain November 11-13, 2016

1st International WORLD FUE INSTITUTE WORKSHOP Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain November 11-13, 2016



The preview of the book ‘Practical Aspects of Hair Transplantation in Asians’ which Dr. Koray Erdoğan’s three articles on FUE hair transplant have been published, is available online.

Dr. Koray Erdoğan with the book: ‘Practical Aspects of Hair Transplantation in Asians’

FUE: Basic and Advanced Techniques

FUE has come a long way from its initial inception. This article will attempt to describe early approaches to FUE and the basic concepts and elements of FUE that later developed including the evaluation and preservation of the donor area; the use of equipment such as the manual, motorized, and robotic punch; punch sizes and types; and specific FUE terminology such as transection, splay, splitting, and the anchor system. It also addresses the most recent innovations and advancements in FUE including calculated density, “coverage value,” and the never-ending quest for homogenization with the assistance of newly developed equipment such as the computerized graft counter...

FUE Experiences in West Asians

This chapter will define the countries of West Asia and aim to focus on the typical hair loss patterns, hair structure and characteristics, as well as possible FUE surgical complications of this ethnic group. Also mentioned is the hair loss psychology and expectations of these patients along with some possible explanation as to the prevalence of pronounced hair loss in patients of this ethic origin...

Gigasessions with FUE: How to Avoid Complications

The popularity of FUE has greatly increased over the past decade and a half, and it continues to become more and more popular each day. What was once considered an acceptable procedure for only a limited number of cases has now become the standard for severe hair loss cases such as Norwood V and VI. As the attractiveness of FUE solutions intensified, so did the expectations of the patients, forcing surgeons to address the need for increased graft numbers in a limited surgical time frame. Thanks to enhanced technology and techniques, superior instrumentation, as well as the enriched skills of doctors and technicians, gigasessions of 4000 graft transplants or more in one session became possible. However, gigasessions are not without risk and are certainly not applicable to all cases. With gigasessions came a new problem: overharvesting and donor depletion and many cases of this have been documented in recent years. As a result, donor management and preservation have become the main focus of FUE surgeons as they revise FUE state-of-the-art criteria. This article will attempt to identify the difficulties and complications that can be encountered in the planning and execution of FUE in gigasessions and how to avoid them with a special emphasis on donor evaluation and capacity...

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