Why is Hair Transplants So Cheap in Turkey

Why is Hair Transplants So Cheap in Turkey

Updated at Apr 19, 2022
hair restoration

Especially in recent years, Turkey has become the hub for medical tourists. Many prospects wonder why hair transplant is cheap, and affordable in Turkey, in comparison, to other countries in the world. For certain, such a great demand has created opportunities for many entrepreneurs, among some doctors.

Turkey is renowned for doing hair transplants at a fraction of the cost of other nations. And the question why hair transplants are so cheap in Turkey comes to the mind of many. The affordable prices do not imply that clinics provide you with substandard treatments. Turkey’s costs are lower than those of other countries, and that is the reason why the prices are lower.

The affordable cost of labor in Turkey gives the clinics great leverage over the European competitors when determining the cost of hair transplant procedures.

One of the biggest costs for any business is the physical location that it needs to operate in. In Turkey, there are over 1200 hospitals at your disposal.

The weakened Turkish lira and the continued earnings in foreign currencies helped so many clinics to secure good rates inside hospitals and this has been reflected in their cost structure, which the patients benefit a lot.

Advantages of Hair Transplant in Turkey

There are many advantages of hair transplants in Turkey , especially in Istanbul. Besides being a historical and attractive tourist destination, Istanbul is the epicenter of hair transplantation. Each year, hundreds of tourists travel to Turkey to get their surgeries safely. Turkish doctors and hospitals are famous for their experience and reliability. Turkey has been one of the best destinations for every kind of treatment, including hair transplantation. Turkey is well-known for performing hair transplants at affordable prices. One should not think that the affordable prices mean low quality of the service. On the contrary, at ASMED Medical Center, we provide you with high-quality service and well-trained hair transplant surgeons perform in our clinic which is located in Atasehir/Istanbul, at your disposal.

Despite the cost-effective prices, Turkey and Istanbul host some of the best hair transplant professionals, and they use various methods. There are many methods used in Turkey successfully. One of the methods is the FUE method. Hair transplantation with FUE , meaning follicular unit extraction, is one of the most commonly used methods. That is because the method is easier and less painful in comparison to other hair transplantation methods. FUE hair transplant in Turkey is one of the most used techniques for hair transplant surgeries. FUE technique is a method in which hair follicles are extracted from the donor area such as the arms, legs, chest, and usually the back of the head. In this method, the doctor determines the hair density and the amount of hair that will be planted during the examination of the patient. The grafts are the hair follicles received from the donor area. The graft operation which is usually chosen is. The number of hair follicles in grafts varies, but the high density is an important factor for a successful treatment. There are many advantages of the FUE method. The FUE method does not involve stitches or linear scarring and the recovery is faster.

At Asmed Medical Center, we can make sure that we will provide you with the best service in any matter. We are at your service for your operations including hair transplants and more. It is guaranteed that the operations will be made with the best care you deserve.

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