Does Iron Deficiency Cause Hair Loss

Does Iron Deficiency Cause Hair Loss

hair restoration

There are several reasons for hair loss, and it can affect both adults and children of both genders. So if you wonder “can lack of sleep cause hair loss” or “can medications cause hair loss?”, the answer is that they could. Male-pattern baldness is not the only cause of hair loss. Some diseases could cause hair loss, such as lupus hair loss. Moreover, stress and hair loss are also highly related. Hair loss can also be caused by a nutritional deficiency. When you lack iron, for instance, your body is unable to manufacture hemoglobin in your blood. Hemoglobin transports oxygen throughout your body, including the cells that trigger hair growth. Without enough iron, your hair growth cycle will probably be damaged. Thankfully, it can help reverse both the iron deficit and the hair loss with certain treatments.

How Do You Treat Iron Deficiency and Hair Loss?

Thankfully, the majority of hair loss caused by iron deficiency is temporary. The most effective strategy to cure hair loss is to address the root cause of the problem. If you suspect that your hair loss is caused by an iron deficiency, see a doctor to have your iron levels checked. If your blood tests suggest that you have low iron levels, you can address it with iron supplements.

How to Prevent Iron Deficiency and Hair Loss?

Here are some suggestions to increase your iron levels and prevent excessive hair loss and iron deficiency:

  • Consume a well-balanced diet. Consume iron-rich foods such as spinach, peas, salmon, and dried fruit.

  • Include vitamin C-rich foods in your diet. Vitamin C enables your body to absorb iron more efficiently. Make an effort to consume more oranges, strawberries, melons, broccoli, and tomatoes.

  • Gently brush and wash your hair. Being gentle might assist you in avoiding the removal of extra hair during normal maintenance.

  • Avoid using hair dyes and chemicals. If you do put chemicals on your hair, get advice from a certified specialist.

  • Avoid using heat-producing appliances such as blow dryers and curling irons. If you must use them, add a layer of protection with hair-protectant gel or mousse, which can be found in any supermarket or drugstore.

Wear your hair down. Wearing it in a headband too tightly might cause breaking and hair loss. Scarves and caps may shield your hair from the extreme weather. Keep your hair covered on extremely bright and windy days.

If you are dealing with hair loss problems and want the best and permanent solutions, you should know that the Asmed team is here for you. For a consultation about excessive hair loss treatments, doctors at Asmed are ready to help you. We will guide you to the best alternatives for your hair health. Do not hesitate to contact for any questions or concerns you might have.

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