Exercising After Hair Transplant

Exercising After Hair Transplant

Updated at Jan 4, 2022
after hair transplantation

After hair transplant, your scalp may hurt and you may need to take medication. These include painkillers, antibiotics to reduce infections, and anti-inflammatory drugs to control swelling. In most cases, people can return to work a few days after surgery. If you notice that your hair is missing, it may take a couple of weeks after FUE surgery. This paves the way for new hair growth. The majority of patients tend to have new hair growth 8-12 months after surgery. Some surgeons may prescribe hair growth pills. This is to improve hair growth. These drugs also help stop or delay hair growth.

Patients should not sweat in the first 7 days after hair transplantation. After 14 days, they can return to their normal activities. After 1 month, patients can do strenuous exercises such as weightlifting that cause them to strain and sweat. Patients who swim or participate in contact sports such as Rugby, Football or Boxing, it is better to consult your doctor before continuing their activities.

You should learn about the recovery process so that you can fully understand when you can resume your normal exercise routine. Although all patients will be given a detailed guide on what to do and what not to do following their procedure, we have provided a basic timetable for you to consider. We have assisted you in identifying some of the most appropriate exercises for you to do during the recovery process if you believe you require it.

As previously stated, the first five days of hair transplant are critical for recovery. It is strongly advised that you avoid all forms of exercise during this time, and that you schedule time off from work if possible so that you can relax and recover.

After the first week, you can begin to incorporate less strenuous forms of exercise, such as walking and yoga. It is important to note that sweating is still harmful to your recovery, so you should avoid walking at a fast pace. You should definitely avoid anything that requires a lot of cardio, such as jogging.

It is normal for your scalp to swell during the recovery process, and if you notice that your swelling is increasing after the first week, you should reduce your exercise and contact your hair transplant surgeon. Take each day as it comes, and don't put too much pressure on yourself. It's also worth noting that during this week, you'll begin to wash your hair transplant, which will aid in your recovery.

How Long After Hair Transplant Can I Workout?

You should avoid any physical activity as soon as possible after surgery, including working and unnecessary walking. You won't be able to touch your new hair grafts because they are in a delicate state. To reduce swelling during this early stage, we recommend that you avoid bending over and try to keep your head above the level of your heart, thus making gym after hair transplant impossible.

4 to 9 days after a hair transplant: Some light, non-strenuous activity, such as yoga or gentle walking, is usually permissible during this period, but you should avoid running or cardio exercise, which can cause sweating or a significant increase in blood pressure.

If you notice an increase in swelling or irritation during this time, reduce or discontinue your exercise for a few days.

We recommend that you consult your doctor for cardio exercises, gym and weight training after hair transplantation. At this point, your scalp should be free of crusting and swelling. If your doctor deems it appropriate, you can also participate in some cardio and weight training.

At Asmed, our patients' health is our top priority. Our aim is to provide the highest level of medical care to our patients in order to ensure their safety and comfort within a fue expert clinic. We give each patient detailed information about the process based on their specific requirements and needs and what to take care of for hair transplant recovery.

To learn more about hair transplant procedures and steps, book hair transplant consultation with our expert medical team.

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