Ethnicity Hair Types

Ethnicity Hair Types

Updated at Mar 25, 2022
hair restoration

There are three "original" ethnic-hair profiles, each with its own set of characteristics: color, texture, structure, and even scalp implantation. Hair does not grow in the same way or at the same rate in people of different ethnic origins as a result of these differences.

Asian Hair Type

Straight Asian hair is usually dark brown or black. It develops perpendicular to the scalp. This hair type grows the fastest, at about 1.4 centimeters per month. A strand of Asian hair is round and even in shape. Despite this, Asian hair is the least dense of the three ethnicities.

Caucasian Hair Type

Straight, wavy, or curly Caucasian hair can be found. It can range in color from light blond to dark brown. This hair type grows diagonally and at a monthly rate of about 1.2 centimeters. The strands of Caucasian hair are oval. Caucasian hair density is the highest of the ethnic groups, and thus the fullest.

African Hair Type

African hair is distinguished by tight curls and kinks that grow almost parallel to the scalp. So, Afro hair transplant is different from others. Because of its spiral structure, which causes it to curl upon itself during growth, this type has the slowest growth rate which is about 0.9 centimeters per month. The shape of an African hair strand is flattened.

African hair is significantly denser than Asian hair. Of course, there will be minor regional differences, but each ethnic group has distinct similarities. Whether it is the density of the hair, the rate of growth, or the shape of the hair follicle in the scalp, each of the ethnic types mentioned above has its own identity. Black male hair transplant operation, for example, is different from a white male one.

All hair, whether straight, wavy, or frizzy, is essentially the same thing. Each strand is made up of three layers: the cuticle, cortex, and medulla, and the main component of the hair is a protein called keratin. The shape of the hair, however, is determined by the shape of the follicle.

Asian hair grows from hair follicles that are circular, whereas Afro hair grows from an oval follicle and Caucasian hair follicles vary. Because hair is a dead material, it retains its original shape – Asian hair is usually bone straight, Afro hair grows in a spiral-like fashion, and Caucasian hair can be anything in between.

The causes of greying hair and hair loss are the same for all races. Genetics, hormones, and environmental factors. All of these factors, as well as certain lifestyle and hairstyling habits, play a significant role in hair thinning.

There are many cases of genetic hair loss in Caucasians, but traction alopecia is more common in people of color. While Asians are less prone to hair loss, it is becoming more common as their lifestyles become more westernized, and Asian women are more likely than their counterparts to notice thinning hair. Even though the types, prevalence, and severity of hair loss and greying hair vary by hair race, the causes and treatments are always the same.

If you are visiting Asmed, that means you are having the best possible service ever from our hair transplant professionals. Check our website for more information on any topic related to hair. You can learn more about FUE procedure on our website and decide the best path for your hair transplant journey.

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